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Exporting Playlists to Different Computer

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This seems like such a simple issue and yet there seems to be no clear direction on how to accomplish this.

I have a drive which is exclusively used as my JRiver library.  This drive is connected to my desktop computer most of the time.  When I spend time elsewhere, I take my laptop and simply plug my library drive into the laptop. 

I have no problem "Exporting" playlists to the library drive, but I can find no method or direction to successfully "Import" the playlists to a different computer.  Although I have exported my playlists to the drive, and import them onto the laptop with Tools>Import>Import a Single Folder.  I do get a list of the playlists I exported to the drive on the laptop, but none of the playlists contain any songs.  Not particularly useful.

Is there a simple process for exporting and importing playlists?


Just make sure the drive letter is the same in both machines.

The simplest thing would be to backup and restore the entire Library:

If you really want to import just the Playlists, MC's regular Import system will import the playlist files it exports. As BigSpider indicated, you will need to make sure the path matches (the drive uses the same drive letter on both machines). But aside from that, there is no "special" playlist importing system. You just use the regular import methods that work with files:

But, again, backing up and restoring the entire Library would probably be a much better fit for what you want. That'll give you everything (Playlists, Smartlists, Views, Playstats, and everything).

I have a playlist that is a slideshow of images. What is the best way to export that and then import it on another machine? I have been unsuccessful to date. I have had to open the file I exported and then copy the links and then past them into a playlist. It seems like I should be able to just export to a file and import the playlist on a different computer to create a playlist. But it does not seem to work for slideshows of images. And, yes, the path's are the same.

It works if you export as a .mpl file on my machines. Obviously m3u and m3u8 don't work as the implication is that these are audio files, as far as I am aware.


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