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Author Topic: Why am I seeing an issue with MC25 on a restart of Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS?[Resolved]  (Read 1062 times)


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I have attached a photo taken of my computer screen when I restart the OS, usually after a kernel or video driver update/upgrade. This picture was taken after I opened MC25, waited about 2 minutes, then closed MC25 and restarted the computer. It doesn't matter whether "Caffeine" is running or not - in case anyone thinks that has something to do with it.

Sometimes, instead of just one MC25 icon (as shown in the photo), I see a vertical row of several identical icons and notices. This usually happens after I have been running several days and opening and closing MC25 during that period.

Since I took the photo with my ancient Note3 phone it not a very good picture, but it shows that MC25 is doing something to prevent a restart until I hit the OK to continue button. Before restarting the computer I did a check of the running services and MC was not running or listed in the System Monitor, so I don't know why it's suddenly appearing during attempts to restart.

This has been happening since about MC 25.0.83 or 85, not sure which one.

I'm running the kernel, but it was also happening with the 4.x.x.55 kernel branch before the update from 18.04.2 to 18.04.3 LTS.

Ubuntu Gnome 20.04 LTS


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Re: Why am I seeing an issue with MC25 on a restart of Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2019, 04:21:02 pm »

Before you quit, from a terminal do a
ps -ef   | grep mediac
and see if anything is running.


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Re: Why am I seeing an issue with MC25 on a restart of Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2019, 04:50:35 pm »

Hi Bob,

Thanks for replying. Not too long after I made this post, when I restarted the computer I no longer saw the message(s) before the computer restarted. I'm figuring one of the MC25 repository updates must have had an issue. Anyway, I did mention in my original post, that before hitting the restart button I did look at the system monitor and saw no instances of anything referring to MC in the list of services still running before the restart. Neverthelesls, as you requested, I did a
Code: [Select]
ps -ef | grep mediac and saw nothing that would indicate an issue:
Code: [Select]
louis    29243  2869  0 17:35 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mediac .

So, I'm not sure why  I was seeing the problem, but it's gone now. :)
Ubuntu Gnome 20.04 LTS
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