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Sorting tracks

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JRiver MC25.0.92 64bit.

I have a question about sorting by track number after importing into the library.

If I rip a cd all tracks are presented in track# order, however after importing the ripped cd into the library it is listed in alphabetical order of the track name. I cannot find a way of premanently getting the track listing to be in track# order. I'm sure there must be a way, would someone please point me in the right direction.

Many thanks for any help.


In which view do you see that? 

Any view can be sorted by any field.  Take a look at the title bar.  It has numbers that indicated the sort order.

Hi JimH,

Thanks for your response.

I've attached a couple of screenshots, the first showing the default way, listed in track name order. The second shot is after right clicking 'Track#' and selecting 'Sort inside groups by track#' but this isn't permanent. If I click on the album again the order reverts to, and will play in, track name order.


Somewhere, you've got the sort order set wrong.  (number next to Track#).  Check the categories above.

 :D :D :D Fantastic, thanks Jim. All ok now.  ;D ;D ;D


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