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Amazon Prime Music Integration

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Amazon Prime Music is now streaming HD, up to 24/192 for a significantly lower monthly price than Tidal.    I will be switching from Tidal to Amazon.   Is there a way to integrate Amazon Music with MC and JRemote?   If not, is there any plan to do so?

Awesome Donkey:
Right now, nope not possible to use with JRemote. May be able to get it working with the WDM driver on Windows with an app or browser, but no integration in the app itself or anything like that.,122452.0.html

Basically, too soon to tell if it's doable or what it'd take to do it (especially since there's no public API for Amazon Prime Music) but it's on the consideration road map list for MC26.


--- Quote from: kenterickson on October 23, 2019, 09:50:16 am ---Amazon Prime Music is now streaming HD, up to 24/192 for a significantly lower monthly price than Tidal.    I will be switching from Tidal to Amazon.   Is there a way to integrate Amazon Music with MC and JRemote?   If not, is there any plan to do so?

--- End quote ---

You can integrate it via streaming per this link:,122517.msg849096.html#msg849096

However, your only going to get CD level response.  Amazon only provides HD audio through its app.   It seems pretty clear that Amazon will only allow access to its HD library via its app or possibly via a licensed API


Basically, too soon to tell if it's doable or what it'd take to do it (especially since there's no public API for Amazon Prime Music) but it's on the consideration road map list for MC26.

Would be a very nice to have.   I am hoping to use the DSP equalizer function in MC25 to compensate for my high frequency hearing loss.    Don't think I can do anything like that with my Integra receiver.

I know that this post has gotten stale but I continue to be impressed with and enjoy Amazon Music.    It occurred to me that integration of streaming sources is crucial to me.   My system includes a Synology NAS with 4-5 TBytes of music but because of the convenience and comprehensiveness of streaming services I rarely go the NAS drive for music any more.

I would think that if JRiver is to thrive in the future, and I hope it does, integration with streaming sources is vital.   This post is really just a vote of encouragement to get that integration done.



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