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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)  (Read 6218 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« on: October 15, 2019, 05:08:58 pm »

This is the latest build of MC25 for Linux.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


Also in the Latest and BETA repos.

25.0.113 (10/4/2019)

1. Fixed: One some desktop/window manager combinations the suggestion window could steal focus from the edit box (used in tagging).
2. NEW: Added channels to Radio Paradise in Theater View (both streaming and adding Radio Paradise individually).
3. Fixed: Webservice calls to get a stack image could cause a crash if the folder was empty.
4. Fixed: Thumbnails in Theater View could be duplicated.
5. Changed: The disc count and HDCD tools are stopped at shutdown instead of blocking shutdown.
6. Fixed: Dragging and dropping list items in the Tag window did not flag the data as dirty so the change would be discarded.
7. Changed: If TreePath, Device, or Search is specified on the command line, the control and shift checks for filtering the media type will be disabled.
8. Fixed: Editing tags in a popup would not mark them as dirty so they would not be saved.
9. Fixed: The "Show Files In Subfolders" checkbox was not working.
10. Changed: Focus setting is bypassed when moving or resizing the main window which should help with how smooth that works.
11. Changed: Slight delay to the redraw at the end of moving or resizing the main window to allow prior UI events to be processed first.

25.0.108 (10/1/2019)

1. Fixed: When exiting a popup window mouse movement was being ignored in the main window preventing the use of the splitter, resize, etc.
2. Fixed: Fix handling of video files (and probably others) that contain parenthesis in the filepath
2. Fixed: The maximum encode size wasn't being passed as an int64 so it could overflow on big files and cause encoding to fail.
4. Fixed: Doing "Paste All From Clipboard" on a list editor in the Tag window would not reliably save the data.
5. Fixed: Editing tags in a popup would not mark them as dirty so they would not be saved.
6. Fixed: SRT subtitles could appear multiple times in the menu.
7. Changed: Made the disc count algorithm count actual discs instead of take the max disc number.
8. Changed: Made the maximum allowable size of a Podcast larger because we found real world Podcasts larger than our previous cap size.
9. Fixed: Undid the "All channels" handling in the Parametric Equalizer volume and mute filters because it was causing all channels to be processed even if only selected ones were checked.
10. Fixed: We were not passing the array of files into the expression for thumbnails so things like GroupCount(...) were not working properly.
11. NEW: Added the ItemCount(...) expression to allow giving the count of all the files in the database with the same album, artist, album key, etc.
12. Changed: Made the DLNA servers dialog larger and made it sizable.
12. NEW: Made the program go through and update the 'Total Discs' for all the files in the library at startup (files not marked dirty, so shouldn't cause tagging).

25.0.102 (9/24/2019)

1. NEW: Calls to the web service from a webpage short-circuit the web browser and route directly inside Media Center.  That way the calls work even with Media Network off.
2. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
3. Fixed: Editing a file path rule in the library customization dialog would not work.
4. Changed: Theater View will save when it's zoomed into a file so returning to Theater View will still be zoomed in.
5. NEW: Made the text on the status bar customizable for single file selections (right-click the toolbar and pick Set Text Rule...).
6. Fixed: The equalizer preamp was only working on the two front channels.
7. Changed: Saving an empty playlist as a Car Radio button would start playing the current playlist instead of messaging that there was nothing to play.
8. NEW: Added the PNPosition and PNCount variables to the expression used for status bar customization.
9. Changed: Reworked both the preamp and equalizer so they'll work on high channel counts (like 32 channels) instead of only on prescribed channels.
10. NEW: Made the MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_SUBTITLES MCC command take a -3 to browse for subtitles.
11. Fixed: Checkbox style fields were not working since the last update to fix tag window issues.
12. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Bytestar).
13. Changed: The check for updates box closes after 60 seconds instead of 5 seconds when there's no update.
14. Fixed: SACD playback was not working.
15. Changed: Play Doctor won't factor a file as a minus file if you double-click a new track.  It will only factor as a minus if you hit the next track button.

25.0.101 (9/16/2019)

1. Fixed: Rebuild AMD64 as 25.0.101

25.0.100 (9/13/2019)

1. NEW: Added a dialog "Portable Library" to allow setting up the filename conversions needed between Windows, Mac, and Linux.
2. Fixed: NFO "rating" tag was not properly imported.
3. NEW: MC will import "Rating" field from the new style "ratings" tag in NFO files.
4. Changed: Updated the Chromium web engine to the latest Chrome release.
5. Changed: Web links stay visible as you visit webpages (instead of going away).
6. Changed: MC will import "Lens" field from TIFF images.
7. Changed: "Focal Length" and "F Number" from TIFF images will be displayed with one decimal place only.
8. Changed: "XResolution" and "YResolution" from TIFF images will carry a unit (dpi or ppcm).
9. Fixed: Playlists added to Gizmo views as a library item would not sort properly.
10. Fixed: Cloudplay PlayDoctor button was not working.  This is the play button that would appear when you entered a genre into the Cloudplay search box.
11. Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.
12. NEW: An option "Jump amount when using mouse wheel to change playback position", to allow users to select how many seconds to jump when mouse wheel is turned (1 - 30 seconds).
13. Changed: When loading from an NFO file for a video, if <rating> or <ratings> tag is not found, <userrating> will be loaded for "Rating" field.
14. Changed: The check for updates Action Window only shows for five seconds if there's no update (so you don't have to close it).
15. Changed: Switched the API call used for Theater View sound playback to hopefully be more responsive.
16. Changed: Made mouse wheel scrolling in a menu always scroll at least one item even if the scroll reported by the system is small (previously it could be discarded).
17. NEW: An option to disable mouse wheel for jumping / skipping.
18. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
19. Fixed: The Tag action window could keep applying tags incorrectly when editing a list field.
20. NEW: String literals can be defined in expressions by using /* comment here /*.  The text will be output without any formatting.
21. Fixed: The Tempo & Pitch DSP could crash when fed more then 16 channel, instead it'll gracefully disable now until the limit can be raised.
22. Changed: Made the pane right-click menu show even when the view is locked (it will just disable most the items).
23. Fixed: Loudness could produce a subtle tick when starting playback again.
24. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+A after opening the tag window would not select all in the file list.
25. NEW: The i386 build uses the chromium web engine instead of gtkwebkit now allowing Cloudplay user login.
26. Changed: DLNA the next track will be sent 30 seconds before the end of the current track to devices that support SetNextAVTransportURI. (increase of 6 seconds).

25.0.99 (9/4/2019)

1. Changed: TIFF images' "Date", "Artist", and "Description" etc. tags will be imported.
2. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Stefan and Bytestar).
3. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
4. Changed: Made all the colors discrete for 7.1 playback in Analyzer (instead of looping previous colors).
5. Fixed: With right visualizations showing the rating could get scrunched.
6. Changed: Save the platform along with a database as platform.jmd.
7. NEW: Added a "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" selection for the Tag window templates.
8. Changed: Some tags in EXIF private IFD are imported from TIFF image files (focal length, F-number, ISO, shutter speed, etc.).
9. Fixed: Panel - Blocked some text from becoming highlighted when using sliders.
10. Changed: Panel - The no files in playing now warning will now display the current zone as a link to the settings page.
11. Fixed: The equalizer wasn't engaging on the surround right channel.

25.0.97 (8/30/2019)

1. Changed: TIFF images' "Date", "Artist", and "Description" etc. tags will be imported.
2. Fixed: The equalizer wasn't engaging on the surround right channel.
3. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
4. Changed: Made TIF import get the camera from the header.
5. NEW: Added an option "Lower and slimmer OSD" on Video playback options.
6. Fixed: On import, we would not set the album from the date if we had just set the date from the file's time.
7. NEW: Replaced the 10 band graphical equalizer with the high quality parametric equalizer code.  Should solve artifacts that have been reported.
8. NEW: Added the option to show the spectrum analyzers in the player independently for the left and right channels.
9. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
10. Changed: Made the "Library Views" view header for a library view always show (instead of only when the tree is hidden).
11. Changed: Changed how video conversion fix (in previous build) is done so that it more closely preserves the original video without having to drop many video frames.
12. Changed: Panel - If accessing the Cloudplay page when playing to the browser, the user will be redirected to the home page with a message.
13. Changed: Panel - On the Cloudplay page, only one list can be expanded at a time. Expanding a new list will collapse the previous list.
14. NEW: Added the pane option "Filter panes based on selection" to allow turning off filtering of other panes based on the selection in panes.
15. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.92.  Improves compression of four channel files.
16. Changed: Slovenian translation updated (thanks Lorem Ipsum).
17. Changed: Files of the type m4b are no longer renamed to mp4 for internal use.
18. Fixed: Compressed dff files (DTS) were returning the wrong block length which resulted in files that were too short in duration during transcoding.
19. NEW: Cloudplay accounts work on OSX.

25.0.92 (8/13/2019)

1. Fixed: The socket write timeout that was being set to the duration of a track from 25.0.86 has been removed (default is now 86400 secs) because it was causing issues with rending devices that had paused playback and that pulled the entire track in one request.
2. Changed: Typed navigation would scroll the list all the way to the left instead of just scrolling vertically.
3. Changed: Nested the Streaming Theater View items under "Radio" and "Stations".
4. NEW: Made the import from iTunes library import the playlists as well (to an iTunes playlist group).
5. Changed: Made the import from iTunes library get ratings.
6. Fixed: Playback/PlayRadioJRiver would return a failure code when playing a Radio JRiver station (instead of success).
7. Changed: Made the "Streaming" Theater View item no longer load files until hitting enter (to play, etc.).
8. NEW: Streaming in Theater View also shows JRiver Cloudplay playlists.
9. Fixed: Syncing with an empty filename rule would put the extension on the file twice.
10. Fixed: Saving an empty filename rule for a handheld would not save properly.
11. Fixed: Calls to Handheld/Sync before the handheld engine loaded devices would not work properly.
12. Changed: MC will load <plot> field from NFO sidecar files into "Description" field so users will not need to create a custom field "plot".
13. NEW: Added the command "Import From iTunes Database..." to the file menu to import from the XML file that iTunes can save the library as.  It will import all the files and make a playlist with them.
14. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.82.

25.0.88 (8/5/2019)

1. Fixed: Column sizing would not be consistent on high DPI.
2. Fixed: Media Center would not respond on TLS ports since 25.0.86.
3. Fixed: Showing Theater View from a minimized program state would not always work.
4. NEW: Added the ability to add "Streaming" to the root of Theater View with a display of Radio JRiver stations and Radio Paradise.
5. Fixed: The ideal height of the "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog is calculated from a layout so should be much better on high DPI.
6. Changed: Made column creation use the system scale for the width so columns should be wider on high DPI.
7. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
8. Fixed: Cloudplay via PlayDoctor wasn't working right when no local library matches were found.
9. Changed: Added a 'Play' button next to the Cloudplay search box when a search term is present.  This triggers playback of a Play Doctor playlist using the search term.
10. Fixed: ARM builds are consistently ARM7 now. This should result in a speed bump and fix an issue where a single library had been compiled to ARM8 causing segfaults on some platforms.

25.0.87 (8/1/2019)

1. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac).
2. Fixed: Panel - Cover art was not loading when playing certain streams, like Radio Paradise.
3. Changed: The socket write timeout is set on a per-file served basis to the duration of the file + some padding.
4. Fixed: The getcwd function wasn't handling failure properly.
5. Fixed: The ideal height of the "Rename, Move, & Copy" dialog is calculated from a layout so should be much better on high DPI.
6. Changed: Made column creation use the system scale for the width so columns should be wider on high DPI.
7. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
8. Fixed: Cloudplay via PlayDoctor wasn't working right when no local library matches were found.

25.0.85 (7/29/2019)

1. NEW: Added Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Reset window position settings to reset the placement of windows.
2. Changed: Made the default height of options taller.
3. Changed: The socket write timeout to prevent hung sockets introduced in 25.0.81 (30 seconds) was too small for devices that have large buffers resulting in stopped playback in the middle of a track. Set it to 300 seconds.
4. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.81.
5. Changed: DLNA: If we are controlling a zone check it's state on 5 second intervals even if it's not the current zone (was 20 secs).
6. Changed: DLNA: For gapless playback using SetNextAVTransportURI send the next track near the end of the current playing track instead of near the beginning. This appears to help with some renderers that get confused with their track buffering code (Volumio)
7. NEW: DLNA: Add controller option to ignore other controllers (for misbehaving renderers).
8. Fixed: DLNA: Retrieve initial volume for a renderer (was always 0 before playback started).
9. NEW: You can select a maximum play bitrate for Cloud Play files from the menu (defaults to 1500).
10. Fixed: Customizing the columns of a parent view would reset the columns of a child view.

25.0.83 ( 7/25/2019)

1. NEW: Added the option to stop after a delay for going to sleep.  Look at Player > More Stop.
2. Fixed: Mixing 7.1 surround channel in 2.1 or 3.1 output mode could result in some channel being lost, instead of being downmixed properly.
3. Changed: Tuned the show and hide times for menus so they work better on some systems.
4. Changed: Panel - Added a sign out button to the Cloudplay page.
5. Fixed: Media Center could crash when starting playback on older CPUs.
6. Fixed: was not working properly in all cases.
7. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.79.
8. Fixed: Viewing a handheld could crash.
9. Changed: Subclarity enables for 3.1 playback.
10. Changed: Update RadioParadise cover art retrieval URL
11. Fixed: Restore original screen blanking, screen saver and other related (OS dependent) state on exit.
12. Fixed: The Linux internet reader upon recieving a redirect may have opened the new URL twice.
13. Fixed: In the Linux internet reader only full redirect URL's worked (relative or rooted ones did not).

25.0.81 (7/22/2019)

1. NEW: The MCWS function to play the JRiver radio will accept "Try Me", "Eclectic", "Classical", "Jazz", and "Rock" as station names and play those stations.
2. Fixed: Dragging Direct Show DSP filters to a differt place in the list could crash.
3. Changed: The increments for the mouse wheel in Room Correction for the speaker distance are now 0.1 ft or 0.01 meters.
4. NEW: Added the option to "Enable pane tagging" to the panes to allow tagging and the checkboxes to be turned off.
5. NEW: Ctrl+Shift+V pasting will accept a series of strings on the clipboard (separated by newlines) and paste them into a single selected field.
6. Fixed: Uninstalling a DSP plugin could crash.
7. Fixed: JRWorker would crash trying to save settings on exit causing re-evaluated video files (when auto-import enabled) and new video files to be misidentified as non-video files.
8. Fixed: Because of earlier focus cleanup work, open URL wasn't getting focus.
9. Fixed: Because of earlier focus cleanup work, the DSP studio save dialog wasn't getting focus. If you notice any more of these please report them!

The Muffin Man

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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2019, 08:22:27 pm »

On Linux Mint 19.2/Mate
I cannot set the update channel
I cannot drag Media Center by the title bar.
Some mp4 files (dvds ripped with Handbrake) won't play.

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2019, 03:41:38 am »

Update channels do not work on Linux. You need to set an APT repository if you want updates via the OS' package manager. Dragging may not work either.

Look at the tutorial here:,120022.0.html
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.1 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2019, 10:54:37 am »

Update channels do not work on Linux. You need to set an APT repository if you want updates via the OS' package manager. Dragging may not work either.

Look at the tutorial here:,120022.0.html
Dragging by the title bar shouldn't be an issue. There are various parts of the title bar that serve other purposes, you should try dragging about halfway between the title and the menu.

You can also use the system drag (alt key & left mouse button hold) anywhere on the main MC window.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2019, 08:34:05 am »

There is a bug on MATE whereby you lose the ability to drag and resize the window in standard view after returning from display view. This bug also causes MC to draw over the task bar. It is persistent through restarts and the only way to solve the issue that I have found is to remove .jriver and restore a library backup. I avoid entering display mode like the plague to avoid it, but it's possible that WFU_fan may be running into the same issue.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2019, 02:33:40 pm »

There is a bug on MATE whereby you lose the ability to drag and resize the window in standard view after returning from display view. This bug also causes MC to draw over the task bar. It is persistent through restarts and the only way to solve the issue that I have found is to remove .jriver and restore a library backup. I avoid entering display mode like the plague to avoid it, but it's possible that WFU_fan may be running into the same issue.
I'll check into that...

The Muffin Man

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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2019, 07:16:53 pm »

Sorry about the update channel. I forget which platform I'm on sometimes ;)
Not running in Display View; I'm running in Standard View.
I looks like MC couldn't figure out the Window manager.
I opened Mate Tweak and MC was drag-able again.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2019, 10:08:39 am »

Sorry about the update channel. I forget which platform I'm on sometimes ;)
Not running in Display View; I'm running in Standard View.
I looks like MC couldn't figure out the Window manager.
I opened Mate Tweak and MC was drag-able again.
What did you change there?

The Muffin Man

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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2019, 05:55:55 pm »

It showed empty for some reason (I'm running the Pop theme on Mint 19.2 Mate if that matters), so I selected Marco (Adaptive compositor). I imagine any would have worked.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 25.0.113 for Debian (amd64, i386 and armhf)
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2019, 10:18:15 am »

It showed empty for some reason (I'm running the Pop theme on Mint 19.2 Mate if that matters), so I selected Marco (Adaptive compositor). I imagine any would have worked.
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