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Author Topic: JRemote2 - use Artist instead of AlbumArtist in Artist & Genre views  (Read 744 times)

Philippe Mtl

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Classical music albums, such as chamber music recitals show multiple Composers & Artists.

A great feature of MC allows us to group albums through Genre/Artist/Album (see pic), or Artist/Album schemes.

JRemote Composer group works perfectly with multiple composers, showing one same multi-composer album under each Composer icon.

However, both Artist and Genre views group albums under AlbumArtist only, which is, by definition, a single value tag ; so an album with "Brahms ; Beethoven" composer will show in a different subgroup as another one with "Brahms" only.

Would it be possible to either treat AlbumArtist as a multiple tag or use Artist (a multiple tag by def) in Genre and Artist groups ?

Thank you,

- Philippe


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The grouping of views is entirely controlled by MC, JRemote just shows what MC gives it. You can customize the JRemote views under Options -> Media Network -> Advanced -> Customize views for JRemote, Gizmo & Panel
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters

Philippe Mtl

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Great ! Thank you Hendrik !
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