I have created a few custom fields for my audio files. They have all been checked "Save in File Tags (where possible)" and so far it has always been possible.
Album Notes (List semicolon delimited, one per album, Large value edit)
Album Sequence (Integer, one value per album, Standard Edit)
Musicians (List semicolon delimited, one per album, Large value edit)
Wiki Page (String, one per album, Standard edit)
The question is: if these files are transported to another computer, will those fields have to be recreated in that version of MC or will they just be imported with the files? In other words, I understand that the data will be there because it is in the files tags, but what about another version of MC recognising them? Would they have to be recreated with the same parameters as above so be able to be displayed?
And a related question too please: what is "Show a link Checkbox" (in Manage Library Fields)? I have specified that a couple of times to see what it does and can't see anything different.