More > JRiver Media Center 26 for Linux

[How-To] Set up JRiver Media Center 26 in Fedora and CentOS


This project has been superseded by installJRMC. Please use installJRMC to install JRiver Media Center on Fedora/CentOS.

1. 64-bit only
2. Only Fedora 29 and CentOS 8 and newer are supported.
3. This script will not point major upgrades (i.e. from v25 to v26) to your old library. You should first perform a library backup, install the new major version, and then restore the library backup in the new version.
4. If installing a beta version, the script will prompt you for the beta password.

How to install:

1. Extract

--- Code: ---unzip
--- End code ---

2. You may need to make the script executable:

--- Code: ---chmod +x ./
--- End code ---

3A) Install using the repo:

--- Code: ---./ -i
--- End code ---

If you install using the repo, future version upgrades will be handled by your package manager.

3B) Build and/or install locally:

--- Code: ---./ [-v|--version] [version] [-b|--build-only] [-i|--install-repo]

To install the latest version automatically:

To install a specific version:
./ 26.0.15

To build RPMs on an unsupported OS:
./ -b or ./ -b -v 26.0.15
--- End code ---

If no version is specified, the script will automatically attempt to install the latest version posted on Interact.
The -b or --build-only flag allows for cross-packaging on unsupported OSes. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.

4. Install your .mjr license (only required once, change the filepath to match your license file):

--- Code: ---mediacenter26 /RestoreFromFile "~/Downloads/Media Center26 Master-XXXXXX.mjr"
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---1. Added test for rpm-build package (and add if necessary) (20-FEB-2017)
2. Added test for rpmfusion repos (and add if necessary) (20-FEB-2017)
3. Script is now MC version agnostic and self-contained (20-FEB-2017)
4. Changed versioning system used in rpmbuild. MC point versions are now stored as the variation number. DNF may erroneously report a downgrade the first time the new package number is installed. (20-FEB-2017)
5. Check for RPMFusion repos before installing dpkg and rpm-build (27-APR-2017)
6. Fix dpkg check (31-MAY-2017)
7. Attempted fix for rpm-build check (21-JAN-2018)
8. Add libgomp dependency (13-MAY-2018)
9. Add gtk3 dependencies (19-MAY-2018)
10. Install and symlink ca-certificates files for license registration (24-MAY-2018)
11. Fix ca-certificates symlinking (28-MAY-2018)
12. Add some silent logic for future CentOS support ([i]CentOS 8[/i]) (29-MAY-2018)
13. Add web browsing dependencies (29-MAY-2018)
14. Complete silent CentOS logic (30-MAY-2018)
15. Use default .desktop file (30-MAY-2018)
16. Add security limits file to rpmbuild (05-JAN-2019)
17. Update security limits file naming for upcoming JRiver Media Center 25 (20-MAR-2019)
18. [b]Add beta version support[/b] (20-MAR-2019)
19. Make rpmbuild error output noisier (20-MAR-2019)
20. Add test repo check for beta versions (27-MAR-2019)
21. [b]Added an automatic mode if no version number is specified[/b] (25-MAY-2019)
22. Added RPM check so the RPM is not rebuilt if it already exists in the BUILD directory (25-MAY-2019)
23. Automatic mode will not attempt to build/install the same MC version, better for cron or systemd timers (25-MAY-2019)
24. Complete refactor in preparation for repo (29-MAY-2019, v0.3)
25. Added optional [-b|--build-only] flag for cross-building on unsupported OSes (29-MAY-2019, v0.3)
[s]26. Added optional [-a|--auto] flag for automatic version scraping (29-MAY-2019, v0.3)[/s]
27. Explicit version numbers can be passed using the new [-v|--version] flag (29-MAY-2019, v0.3)
28. Readd support for old syntax without version flag (./ 25.0.44) (29-MAY-2019, v0.4)
29. Small refactor (29-MAY-2019, v0.5)
30. [b]Added new [-i|--install-repo] mode to install the new MC repo (01-JUNE-2019, v0.6)[/b]
31. Bug fix for build mode (03-JUNE-2019, v0.7)
32. Another refactor, removed explicit -a mode (redundant, just omit the version number) (04-JUNE-2019, v0.8 )
33. Removed dist tag for simpler cross building (04-JUNE-2019, v0.8 )
34. Check for RPMFusion repos in --install-repo mode (13-JUNE-2019, v0.9)
35. Various bug fixes (18-JUNE-2019, v1.0)
34. Get sources from HTTPS (18-JUNE-2019, v1.0)
35. Initial CentOS 8 support ;D (12-OCT-2019, v2.0)
36. Update $boardurl for JRiver MC 26 (07-JAN-2020, v3.0)
37. Install lame on fedora only (10-JAN-2020, v3.1)

--- End code ---

Thank you.

Thanks so much for this. Much appreciated!!  :)

This project has been superseded by installJRMC.


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