More > JRiver Media Center 25 for Mac

Where is MC26?


MC26 is now available for Windows, Linux, and OSX.,122612.msg848818.html#msg848818

Just took it for a spin (MC26 for MacOS). Got a crash but probably because I was trying to do too many things at a time...

It looks like a nested drawing issue, thanks for the dump, will try to reproduce.

Playing great for me so far. Only issue I've noticed up front is that JRemote on iOS can't connect with it at all, can't seem to find the server. Media Network settings were imported just fine from a backup of my MC 25 library (which continues to work well with JRemote).


--- Quote from: jlyness on January 25, 2020, 04:44:51 pm ---Playing great for me so far. Only issue I've noticed up front is that JRemote on iOS can't connect with it at all, can't seem to find the server. Media Network settings were imported just fine from a backup of my MC 25 library (which continues to work well with JRemote).

--- End quote ---
Check the Mac firewall settings first to see if Media Center 26 is listed there.
If that's not the issue, try resetting the Access key in MC's Media Network settings.


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