More > JRiver Media Center 26 for Windows

POLL: Is JRiver Streaming Interesting?

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JRiver Cloudplay lets you upload mixed playlists of lossless audio to our server at Amazon.  You can then play these playlists by using JRiver Media Center on another computer in any location.  Any Cloudplay user can also play playlists others have contributed. 

Cloudplay content provides the source for Radio JRiver.

Do you see value in this?

Simple suggestions are also welcome. 

Waiting for the day I can run Cloudplay/JRiver Radio from JRemote on my iPhone over 4G and listen to it in the car.... Then I'd be all over it like a rash :)


I voted "moderately", but that vote is for Cloudplay.  Radio... would be a "no".  Cloudplay lets me kind of look around for stuff that suits my tastes.  Radio gives me tracks (most of which) I find I don't like.  I guess my tastes are kind of set.


--- Quote from: badger on January 22, 2020, 02:06:42 pm ---  Radio gives me tracks (most of which) I find I don't like.  I guess my tastes are kind of set.

--- End quote ---
Any particular genres that might be more interesting to you?


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