More > JRiver Media Center 26 for Windows

NEW: Showtime

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We've added a way to play intros, trailers and the like before playing a movie from Theater View in Media Center 26.

It was originally proposed here:,123061.0.html

You turn on the Showtime roller item for Theater View in Options > Theater View > Show Showtime roller item.

Then, whenever you select a movie in Theater View, you will get the option for Showtime. 

You can edit the the types of files to show the showtime roller for by using Options > Theater View > Show Showtime rules...  The default doesn't show the roller item for TV shows.

To edit the list of files that actually get played, you use Options > Theater View > Showtime rules...

It's a list of searches to run on the database.  It starts with a number of files, a colon, then the search.  Everything after the equal in the search is evaluated as an expression on the file being played.  There are some more details on the expression evaluation here:,123882.0.html

This makes a list of related videos, intros, trailers or similar to play before starting the actual movie.

Enjoy :)

Matt, is there a reason that we can't add our own values to the Pre-Show field?  It would be nice to be able to add whatever we'd like there.

Once again, thank you for making my request a reality :)

You might be right.  I'm going to try making a "loose" list type and see if it works.

I played with the new "Showtime" update a little today and it is working as I expected.

I use it to display a short video of the audio codex before each movie.  It can also be used to display previews and other videos before a movie.  Setting it up was quite simple.

Create two custom database fields: 
(1) Audio Codex Play - In this field you enter the codex of the current movie.
(2) Audio Codex - In your audio demo files, enter the audio codex of the demo file.  This will match codes entered into the "Audio Codex Play" field.

In the Theater View Options enter the following into the Showtime rules field:  1:[Audio Code]=[[Audio Codex Play]]

That will play one random audio demo file that matches the Audio Codex of the movie being played.  Attached is screen shot of the two new fields and how I have coded them.

Thanks to JRiver team for setting this up.  It is a fun feature that allows for a little "showing off" of my theater before the movie starts.

This is such an awesome feature, thank you a ton for rolling this out!


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