There has been a lot of discussion on which way to sort, which way to view etc but you'll never please everyone. We all have our own way of doing things.
What I think would be great (and I know it's too late for this release) is to put in more stuff definable by the user. Instead of deciding whether to sort albums by artist or album, let the user decide.
What I'd like to see is maybe another tab in Options called, say Preferences, in which the user can decide:
* whether they to start with All Files/Audio/Images
* how their albums are tiltled
* choice of default view under album node
* choice of default view under track node
* anything else?
I know I've been on about this for a bit but I still haven't been told a) its not possible b) its going to happen but not right now c) it'll be in the next build
Letting the user configure his MC to the max is obviously a lot of work for you guys, that's why I don't expect it straight away but in the long run, you'll be able to spend more time on the big issues rather than what view is in vogue right now.
Thanks for listening.