From someone on Interact, I borrowed this expression for [Composer], which I made into a custom field [Composer Name Swap]:
if(!regex([Composer], /#^([^,]+)\s+([^,]*?)$#/),
regex(listclean([Composer], 2, / ),
/#^(?:(I+|[JS]r\.?)\s+)?(\S+)(.*)$#/, -1)[R2]/,/ listclean([R3], 2, / )[R1]
There's an issue in it with a couple of Czech names (Leos Janáček comes to mind: I get "Jana, Leos cek, because of the accent, I guess), but otherwise it works well. So that's easily adaptible for [Vocalist(s)], and since all my vocalist tags are retrieved from AllMusic, they're pretty standardized.
So yes, I just need the Regex. Thanks so much for all of your help!