More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows

Hiccups after upgrade to Windows 10 version 1909

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Thanks, all registered now.  Side question:  Is there a way to hide or delete the Start Tab that displays when MC 26 first opens?

Try the options for Startup.

Got it, thanks Jim.

Discovered that upon opening the new MC 26, the Audio Device defaulted to Direct Sound.  Therefore, the allowable range slider for buffering goes from .05 milliseconds up to 3 seconds but is only available in that selection.  I have a Cambridge CXN preamp and use the WASAPI selection related to that device.  So I am back to the eight choices from "Minimum Hardware Size, or from 5 milliseconds up to 500 milliseconds buffering.  Still seem to have the occasional skip, so I just maxed it out at 500.  At least the skips are shorter and less noticeable.  No sweet spots detectable.  Well, cheers anyway.

Did you try uninstalling Norton?


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