More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows

Hiccups after upgrade to Windows 10 version 1909

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After a day and a half of solid listening to various artists, I can now safely conclude that the hiccups are gone!!  The process of elimination led to the final option and that source of the problem is Windows Defender and its firewall.  I have left my buffer setting at the recommended level of 100ms.  My pc protection is hybrid in that the basic Norton package does not offer a firewall feature.  Norton 360 does, but who wants to pay extra. 

So, I want to thank the advisors at JRiver for their patience in helping to resolve this.  The side benefit of this experience was that I read so much on this Forum that I have switched my player output control from System to Internal and even with my higher end equipment, have demonstrated a marked improvement in sonic clarity and depth.  All volume settings disabled except maximize device volume.  But that is a story for a different thread.  It is clear that Windows Defender needs to allow MC to be on the exception list to bypass both its firewall and virus protection.  I think someone at JRiver should send a message to Microsoft and bring attention to this.  After all, we have another Windows 10 update in May.


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