I got a question about the convert format feature.
In the "converter settings" dialog, there is an option to automatically create artist/album directories. This is a great feature, but it gives me problems when I'm converting a "various artists" album: MJ creates a separate directory for each artist on the album. This gets especially messy when I batch-convert several albums with some "various artists" albums included.
Therefor, it would be very useful if MJ could use the album artist field instead of the artist field. I already use the album artist field "Various" for these albums, and this works great in the media library view artist/album (if the album artist field is empty, MJ simply uses the artist field instead, and this is very convenient).
Should I post this as a feature request, or does anybody of you have any workaround I can use right now ?
Listening to: 'Lord Only Knows' from 'Odelay' by 'Beck' on Media Jukebox