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How Do I email a Playlist
Because your email configuration is broken, not because JRiver is.
Roderick tried to tell you how to fix it. You changed something else instead.
I suggest you look at this link:
...and select the instructions for the version of Windows you're running.
Follow the instructions to set your default email application. When you have it configured correctly, the test I gave you before will work.
Then you might want to try sending a playlist again.
Yeah that doesn't work I have followed instructions for setting gmail (mail to:). I set Handlers in settings to "Allow sites to become default handlers for protocols(recommended)" I signed on to Gmail but found no overlapped diamonds handlers icon next to the star in the upper right or anywhere else for that matter. So how do I set gmail to be my default email handler? I can not find the overlapped diamond anywhere. Emailing a playlist in JRiver may well consist of buy an SD Card putting the playlist on it and then finding a mailbox to send it to the person. I hope this is not the way to do it. And it does seem as if JRiver is broken. The send playlist via email command should be removed until it actually can.
We'll try again.
JRiver MC isn't broken.
Even in the old version of MC you are running this function would still work perfectly, I believe.
The problem you are having is with your Windows and email setup.
Why would JRiver remove the Send To Playlist function when it is working perfectly?
Your PC is your responsibility. Fix it, and the function will work.
You haven't even said which version of Windows you are running. Windows XP?
Google is your friend. If the Send To function doesn't work in Windows Explorer, how would you expect it to work in MC?
Once you have the function working in Windows Explorer, as shown by the simple test Wer described, then and only then test it again in MC. If it doesn't work in MC then, describe your environment and ask for more help.
Did you get the test I gave you, using the document on your desktop, to work? If not, why did you come back already?
Rod is being charitable. We have both tried to help you. But from your very first post on this forum, you have been snarky. You have not earned the right to be snarky. If you had participated in the forums for a long time, you could be snarky. If you were an IT expert with decades of experience in making complex systems work, you could be snarky. But you clearly are not. You can't even get your default mail client configured correctly, and yet you're giving us all this attitude.
This is my last attempt to help you, and then I will leave it to more patient and tolerant souls.
Your email account, Gmail, is irrelevant. The Gmail web site is irrelevant.
Only the email program running on your computer, which you said is "Windows Mail" is relevant. You must make that the default mail handler. Use the google search I gave you to find the instructions to do that on whatever version of Windows you're on.
Or follow the instructions here:
When you have done that, perform the test I gave you. If THAT TEST doesn't work, JRiver can't do it either. Keep working on following the instructions on the web until you succeed.
If you can't, or don't want to put in the effort to get your basic Windows functionality working, then you should consider calling Geek Squad, and see if they'll help you.
If you return with an actual JRiver issue and a proper attitude, perhaps we can help you.
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