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Author Topic: SACD ISO always starting on the first track, not seeking to the right track  (Read 1960 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 94

I have a weird bug that just started last night as far as I can tell.
I have ISO files of SACD in my library.
The tracks are properly listed in the library, in the right order and with the right metadata, duration etc...

When trying to play anything but the first track, it actually first try to start the selected track.
I can see the proper track name show up in the status timeline at the top, with the proper duration etc...
But then it actually starts playing form the beginning of the first track of the ISO.
The second weird thing is that the title info is still the one of the selected track, but the duration becomes the one of the first track.

I had never experience this problem as far as I know.
I downgraded to MC 25.0.108 in case, but same problem.

Is that a setup I changed elsewhere messing up with ISOs?

Thanks for any help. it is very very annoying since I can't play any of the ISO files now.


  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 94

A not practical fix has been to remove one of the faulty albums form the library (without deleting the files), and reimport it (drag and drop of the folder on media center's library).
That fixes the seek problem.
I noticed that not all SACD ISOs have the problem.

The only thing that changed recently is a move of all my library files to another bigger drive.
The move was done via the Finder.
To avoid losing metadata info/play time etc... in MC, I replaced the section of the path that had changed in all the files in the Library. Which had appeared to work. But there may be an underlying bug getting confused with some ISO files.

If there is a fix without having to remove the file from the library, let me know.
I prefer not to lose my play count/play time info.

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