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WDM driver alternative for Mac

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Please, consider to add generic audio streaming through JRiver DSP chain, like a WDM driver for Windows.
I've tried to use Streaming feature, but there is no way to simple use new streaming platform (e.g. Soundcloud, Mixcloud, etc)

UP. Any thoughts?

That's a pretty huge project, I don't think it's likely to be implemented soon.

I could imagine that. And common question, how users could request features?
If JRiver were open source, I would have a chance to implement this myself. But it is commercial product.
I'll try to describe my usecase, why I believe this feature is needed.
JRiver is often chosen as a digital crossover for building active loudspeakers due to rich DSP studio and nice sound quality.
MacOS is also on the top for audio tasks, e.g. I like macs for their superior stability.
When we take these things together, we need way to play test signals trough DSP chain in order to tune settings.
Second scenario is use DSP chain systemwide for browser, etc. Or even build dedicated music player which could accept audio streams through LAN, like Airplay protocol

I would also like this feature. It would be nice to route audio from other apps through the DSP chain I've set up in MC with room correction.


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