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Media 25 shuts down all the time

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What I meant was Windows Defender FIREWALL was disabled.

Apparently the problem has vanished as I was able today to listen for more than half an hour without JRiver shutting down.
Didnīt make any changes today, just wanted to listen to some music ?

Auto Import is still turned off though, correct?

If so, and the problem has indeed gone, then maybe the first test had something else going on.

Keep listening to music and see if the problem happens again, with Auto Import off.

Autoimport is off--Yes

Randy Alexander:
I was having the same issue with MC25 constantly shutting down. I would get a message stating not shut down correctly and it was suggested I reinstall MC25. Now that my hard drive crashed and has been replaced and I am attempting to reinstall but getting nowhere. I did restore my license and have attempted to get it up and running but cannot. I went back thru instructions and am completely lost. I am not very proficient with my laptop and have asked my son-in-law to attempt to help this weekend as I have given up. I am frustrated that it is so difficult to install. Are there step by step instructions I could follow as I really like it when it is working. I use it for music only, playing my itunes library. Thanks for anything that helps.

It's not very complicated.

Download the correct version (MC25 if that's what you have -- see Old Versions on the wiki).

Restore your license if necessary.

Ask Google if you have a question, adding JRiver.

Post details here of what you have done and what happens.


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