So I have a MC client playing an image (Smartlist) playlist from a JMRC server.
Recently, I have been seeing lots of errors retrieving images from the server. Errors produced are along the lines of:
For a given retrieval for Filekey:1219216, I get an error:
<Response Status="Failure" Information="Error retrieving files."/>
It seems like the filekey may not actually exist, but begs question of why its in the smartlist.
I'm trying to figure out how to debug the issue. Is there a way to correlate the filekey back to what it thinks its trying to retrieve? Based on some of the file tags (which I have displaying in the home theatre playlist), it does seem that the file tag is either out of date or missing. When I look at the images on the servier, all the images tagged in this series have filekeys in a range 131xxxx as opposed to the 121xxxx file in error.