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(resolved) How do I remove these "File could not be found" remnants?

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In the past when I moved a file location the remnant linking to the old location (the red - in the picture) remained but would be cleaned up when I hit the refresh button. Unfortunately they now remain and have to be cleaned up manually. Can anybody advise as to what settings I need to change to automate this again? I'm embarrassed to say that I've dug around in the settings for 45 minutes and cannot solve this seemingly rudimentary issue.

Probably the "Fix broken links" setting in Auto Import.

If you changed that to "No" for some reason, be sure you really want to change it back. I use the "Yes (protect files on missing drives)" setting, as I don't want MC "fixing" links if a drive goes offline for some reason.

Of course, you need to have Auto Import running in the background for this to work.

Oh, wait. You moved files rather than deleting them. I read too quickly.

You should use the MC "Rename, Move, and Copy Files" function to move files. Then all the metadata, including data stored in tags and data that is only in the MC Library fields, will move with them, instead of having MC re-import the files, and only getting the metadata that is stored in the files tags.

If you move files outside MC you potentially lose data and control. But the settings mentioned above will fix the remnants you see, if you do move files outside MC.

Thanks. I'll try to use the internal method in the future, but still curious if there's a way to reenable the old "the missing file links within Media Center just disappear" thing that I had going.

See my first post above.


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