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Author Topic: A question on Views  (Read 891 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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A question on Views
« on: June 10, 2020, 08:40:24 pm »

A while ago I changed the way "Artists - NON Classical" displays (see screenshot attached). I had created a field called Seq-Year-Album and this is what displays as the album heading in the right hand pane of the screenshot. (e.g. #2 (1992) A Distortion of Love from the top right of the screenshot is the Seq-Year-Album field for that album.

I can't remember how to get to where I changed something to display them that way. I've right clicked on everything I can and looked through all the Options for an hour but can't see Seq-Year-Album mentioned anywhere.

Can someone tell me where to see it please?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2020, 09:07:54 pm »

That's a custom field you selected, from All Files->Group By

To change what is displayed and grouped by, change the selected field.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2020, 09:15:34 pm »

Sorry, there must be something before All Files->Group By that I can't find.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2020, 09:23:17 pm »

If your screenshot actually showed the whole window, what would be above the word (1992)?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2020, 09:41:41 pm »

Above and to the right a little it has the artist name "Barber, Patricia" as shown in the screenshot attached to this post. No mention of All Files there.

This is actually more or less the very first place that I looked. Click on the artist disclosure triangle and the dropdown shows
Group By >   (which I also looked at, but no mention of Seq-Year-Album, as can be seen in the screenshot). At that point I couldn't remember what the name of the custom field Seq-Year-Album was, and expected to see something ticked....

So as it turns out, one has to look through the entire list of "More (sort groups a-z) >" to find that a field has been ticked right down towards the end in the Esses ("S"). I don't understand why it is not at the top of the Group By items with a tick - that is what I quite reasonably expected to see.



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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2020, 10:10:50 pm »


Because your screenshot was cut off, it looked to me like you were looking at the file list, which is the bottom pane, and it has an "All files" menu right where your menu was.  Your expanded screen revealed you were actually using a file list view. (Screenshots that show the controls and context are better.) The menus are basically the same, but the bottom one is always labeled All files, and the top one changes.

That menu isn't dynamic, so when you make a custom selection in group by, it doesn't move it to the top level of the menu.  That's just the way it works.

So now that you've found it are you all set?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2020, 11:32:48 pm »


Because your screenshot was cut off, it looked to me like you were looking at the file list, which is the bottom pane, and it has an "All files" menu right where your menu was.  Your expanded screen revealed you were actually using a file list view. (Screenshots that show the controls and context are better.) The menus are basically the same, but the bottom one is always labeled All files, and the top one changes.

That menu isn't dynamic, so when you make a custom selection in group by, it doesn't move it to the top level of the menu.  That's just the way it works.

So now that you've found it are you all set?
It seems to me that we have been talking at cross purposes for reasons you would not be aware of:
I NEVER have that bottom pane open. When it does appear I just shut it down immediately - it serves no purpose that I can see is useful to me. Last time for that was a few days ago, and the only time it reappears is if I click on Artists - CLASSICAL or Artists - NON Classical.

That's why I could not see All Files anywhere.....and why I thought I had included enough in the screen shot....
It is not dynamic under All Files either, so even if I had seen that I'd have been none the wiser. The only reason I eventually stumbled across it was because I looked right through the list to discover what the name of the field I had created six months ago was....and that was when I saw it was ticked.

"That's just the way it works." Yes, but one has to know that, especially when so many (all?) other menus are dynamic.

So yes, all set thanks.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: A question on Views
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2020, 12:01:46 am »

Great.  I wouldn't say cross purposes, because as I said the contents of the menus are the same.  When you use the file list view type, the one pane you get basically IS that bottom pane; it doesn't display categories up above, instead it just shows the file list, which is normally in the bottom pane.  I didn't expect you to see your field right away, because you were using a custom field. I expected you to explore the More submenu, and you'd find it there.  No one would know the name of the field except you, because you created a custom field, but I knew you'd know it when you saw it. You just needed to look in the right place.

Glad to help... Have fun!
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