I like to rewatch my favorite TV episodes. Most of the time I don’t recall episode number. Reading through each episode description is too long. So quickest way is to identify them through thumbnails.
If thumbs are done well, the image is taken from key scene. If show is popular enough someone would take time on tvdb or moviedb to do this. But most of the time thumbs are auto generated making identifying episode a bit tough.
Is it possible to have several thumbs for episodes and then MC cycles through them? Something like this:
1. MC loads “legacy” thumb from moviedb or tvdb
2. additional thumbs can be stored in matrix for faster loading (3x3 seems reasonable ... 9 thumbs over 27min gives image per 2.7min)
3. user stays long enough on the page, load those matrices and start cycling through them
There are tools that can easily generate those matrices in batch. MC can probably do this too.
Just a thought