sygnus21, if you don't want to see what I'm saying, that is fine.
But what I am seeing in both your images, in Reply #5 and #9, is that the View is primarily sorted by the [Last Played] field, in descending order. The first sort in your Smartlist is used for selecting the limited number of files. The second sort sorts the selected files again, and once the sort on [Last Played] is applied, no other sort in that group makes any difference. The second sort group isn't required at all. There is no Album grouping, even though it looks like there is. That is a coincidence. Either you played those tracks in that sequence, or the [Last Played] field isn't working in MC... and it is working. The evidence is right there in your images. If you look at the Last Played times and the duration of tracks (Reply #5) you can see the times all work out correctly. There are no gaps for non-selected files, and all times progress as expected.
The Limit function does theoretically select a number of random tracks, so it could have been selecting tracks from specific Albums which then looked grouped, but in my testing with the default "Recently Played" and a custom Smartlist I created, that didn't happen. It selected the most recently played files in reverse order.
I also noted that the default "Recently Played" Smartlist had additional sorts somewhat like yours, but not by [Last Played] first, which MC seems to have added in at some stage. Or it could have been me. But removing the additional sorting left the Smartlist working correctly. However the default "Recently Played" Smartlist does get some special attention, as evidenced by its special icon colouring and position in the Navigation bar. So there could have been something screwy going on, but I can't replicate it.
I don't care if you use the Smartlist as you have created it, but I wouldn't want other readers to think what you have done is necessary, because it isn't.