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Author Topic: Trying to create search panes with songs whose album art is smaller than 500x500  (Read 2550 times)


  • World Citizen
  • ***
  • Posts: 121

So I want to create a search pane in my library that shows all the files that have album art smaller than 500x500 pixels. I have the search view that looks like the attached file, yet the results show files with larger album art.

How do I fix this?


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 9253

Where are you using this?
Is it possible that the "larger art" files have width of less than 500, but a greater height?

All of my album art is saved "Inside File".
Out of all of them, there is just one that is less than 800 x 800.
If I put this in the search bar in top right: [=isequal([image width],800,3)]=1
The view correctly filters down to this one track.

I rarely need this now, but, have you considered a view scheme that allows you to filter by width and height? It can make very quick work of sorting out your album art....



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