Q: Is there any support in MC specifically for Archos Jukebox and similar portable hard drive MP3 players? The MC Web site says no plugin is required for Archos 6000, and MC sees my Archos Jukebox Recorder 20 as a hard drive. So simply moving files across is easy. But I'd like to do this efficiently, and I wonder how I might leverage MC.
Currently I keep copies of all my media files on two drives, an external HD (source) and the Archos (copy). I have all my music files organized by Artist / Album as generated by RealOne and CDex.
So what is the best way to keep Archos in sync with the other HD? I want to make changes on my PC - rip CDs, edit tags, create playlists etc. - and then sync up the Archos. Should I use MC or manage this myself at the file system level?
Hmm, what about this Synchronize Files menu command? I read FAQs, searched YABB, and perused the online Help, but there doesn't seem to be much information about how Synchronize works.
Synchronize prompts for a playlist. Do I need to create one with the Artist/Album view? Using a playlist to control the copying seems like a good approach, especially since I could remove some albums/files from the playlist and keep a subset of my files on the Archos. If I go this route, what is the easiest way to add to this playlist as I get new music files?
Thanks in advance for any pointers...