In addition to MediaCenter, only the operating system and Defender itself access so much of my data. For MediaCenter I open ports and make exceptions in the firewall and security. Mediacenter can therefore be classified as critical.
Anyone who is on the move in this forum will sooner or later, in any thread, come across the instruction to restrict Defenders function.
It is possible and makes sense to cooperate with Defender. My compilers open and write thousands of small files. For sure! A little faster without Defender. I have no other program which cannot operate with Defender. So why should a media player behave differently?
After the database has been set up, the many and fast accesses are only required to the database files and thumbnails. And even if Defender delays access to the title to be played by 100ms, who cares.
I would like to remind you of the history of the Swiss CRYPTO AG. That was an honorable company that sold encryption technology. And because they were Swiss, they dealt with East and West, good and bad. At some point a capital increase became necessary. Today it is known that since that day the German and American secret services have held the controlling majority and the encryption has become 'soft' for certain customers.
Even if we trust Jim and Matt, we have to realize that JRiver is worth far more than just this player application. JRiver has access or can gain access to all of our files.
I had my shock when I found that MediaCenter was scanning files which are not in my index. It then turned out that files removed from db are still being checked. So nothing dangerous happened. But things like that makes you think ...