More > JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows
JRiver Stops Importing
everything was running slow. i reinstalled windows 10 pro. i now have a problem with importing. it starts for around 3 minutes and then stops and then jriver shuts down. i'm using a laptop with win 10 pro. files are on a shared nas over ethernet. attached log file.
You probably need to configure Windows Defender. There's a thread on the MC27 board.
--- Quote from: JimH on December 09, 2020, 03:07:20 pm ---You probably need to configure Windows Defender. There's a thread on the MC27 board.
--- End quote ---
spent a few hours fiddling with this. adding dozens of exceptions. getting pretty sick of this.
Did you follow the instructions?
yes i did. except the %APPDATA% part which I can't find on a fresh install. Still imports for around 5 minutes then stops and closes.
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