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Bitstreaming on Linux with 1050ti


Hi, Merry Christmas - I'm having trouble with Bitstreaming on Linux Mint with a NVIDIA 1050ti card.  Going via HDMI to a Denon AVR-S750H.  I've tested using all ALSA Devices (HDMI, HW, plughw, etc).  I have Bitstreaming set to "yes (HDMI)" - I've selected the HDMI Card, ALSA (Device 1) Driver; and I am getting sound, but it's pre-processed PCM Audio.  One would assume selecting the HDMI driver and Bitstreaming to "yes" would take care of it; but, there's no combination I can find to get it to work.  I have set DSP Studio to "no encoding"; output "same number of channels".  Anyone have any thoughts where I can go from here?


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