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Author Topic: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver  (Read 2624 times)


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MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« on: January 08, 2021, 02:18:40 am »

Hi there.
My last working version of MediaCenter is version 25. Unfortunately I've bought and paid Version 26 before I've tested it.
Now as version 27 is out I've tested again version 26 in the latest release and the latest release of version 27.
However, my media network doesn't work with both 26 and 27.
As from version 26 my Marantz NR1710 is not recognized at all and neither JRemote nor Gizmo are able to connect to my Media Server.
Conclusion: I've deinstalled both versions 26 and 27 again and I am happy with version 25 which still works fine. The money for version 26 was already wasted and I have very little motivation to upgrade to any newer version again.
That's a rather sad story, sorry to say. Fortunately I don't need any of the newer features, therefore I might stick to version 25 forever.
I have no idea what you have done or redesigned to ignore my Marantz net receiver and why JRemote and Gizmo stopped working in the newer versions.
Maybe you react this time. My last report about this problem apprx. 1 year ago when version 26 was out was unfortunately ignored from your side.
Being a customer of JRiver for more than 20 years now I am rather disappointed.
Regards, Thomas Bernardy


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Re: MC 27 doesn't work with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 03:10:47 am »

Hi Thomas,

I'm not a JRiver employee, I'm a user just like you.  Being a customer for so long, I'd imagine you'd know MC is primarily user-supported software, meaning most of the questions on this forum are answered by other users. A JRiver staffer might answer, or they might not.  So if you want help, I'll try a bit to help you.  And if you don't want help from just another user like me, that's fine.

Your issue is a DLNA related problem. Those can take some time and patience to figure out.  If you're willing to put in that time, and try things, and give me information I ask for, then I can try and help you, and others might too.  If you're not, that's fine, and you can walk away.

I ask because your only post on this matter, prior to this one, was over a year ago, when you just said this:
Installed MC26 64-bit version and unable now to play to my Net-Receiver Marantz NR-1710. This worked fine with MC25.
Please advise what has changed in the new version or what has to be done to enable this again. 
Also GIZMO doesn't work with MC26: Unable to connect to Server.
Changed back to MC25 and waiting until problems solved.

You didn't start a new thread for your question, you posted off-topic in the middle of someone else's thread.  It's not surprising you weren't answered under those conditions. And you never followed up on it until today. 

Other users are generally willing to try and help, if the person asking is nice enough about it, and the question is reasonable. So to better ensure success, it's best to do what you did this time: start a new thread.  If no one answers, it might be because people haven't see it, or no one knows the answer. It might just be because they have other things to do. This is just a community, and the other users, like me, aren't obligated to help anyone.  But people are pretty good about trying to help, and if one doesn't get a response after a day or two, one should post a reply to one's own post, just to bump it to the top of the forums and try to get people's attention. Nothing wrong with that. I would have thought that was common knowledge, but perhaps you didn't realize that, or perhaps you thought it was beneath you to ask again.  Well, that happens to everyone; we all have to post a second or third time sometimes. Depends on the question; that's life.

From the sound of your issue, it seems like MC27 is not accepting incoming network connections.  There weren't substantive changes I can think of between MC25 and 26 that just totally broke DLNA. I don't know what your problem is, but there are a couple of likely causes for your symptoms.

First, you might not have it set up correctly. Compare your MC25 Media Network settings (that work) to those of MC27.

Another likely cause is antivirus or Windows firewall.  These programs block incoming network connections, unless specific exceptions are made. These exceptions often have to be made on an executable by executable basis. In other words, you might have already had firewall rules allowing incoming connections for MC25, but MC27.exe (and MC26.exe) are different executables at different paths. So they will require new separate exceptions to the security policies in your firewall or antivirus.  You might check the log of blocked connections on your computer.

You didn't mention whether you tried these things, or anything at all. So I'm suggesting you give those a try.  If you don't know how (I have no way of knowing your level of computer expertise) then you might need to do a bit of googling.  If you still have no luck, come back and provide more information about what specifically you tried, and we'll see what's next.

Good luck.


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Re: MC 27 doesn't work with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2021, 04:03:33 am »

Thank you for your friendly reply.

I was never struggling with any firewall policies when updating MediaCenter from any previous version. Sometimes I had minor problems with antivirus programs but that's easily solveable by turning off this software prior to media center usage.

It is said that any new release will simply take over the settings from the previous one. So if version 25 is working fine and all settings are taken over then any new version should also work fine. Alternatively the installation routines as from version 26 are simply crappy. Sorry, I don't have any other explanation for such a strange behaviour, I didn't have such issues when upgrading from 24 to 25 or even before. From my point of view the installation routine of MediaCenter should automatically take care about this issue. No other program like e.g. HEOS Remote or the Windows media player has any issues with my Marantz net receiver. Even the JRiver Android APPs JRemote2 and Gizmo stop working as from Version 26. It is is ridicolous to blame the customer for this. BTW, my Panasonic TV DLNA is rightly recognized by MediaCenter 26/27 but my Marantz NR1710 disappears from the list of available renderers. Therefore it might be more than just a firewall issue.

I have already invested several hours to solve these problems. Unfortunately without any success....
I would really apprechiate if JRiver who invented this problem will do something to solve it. Marantz states in their product description that their net receiver is JRiver MediaCenter compliant, this is true for versione up to 25. As from version 26 it's unfortunately not. Maybe JRiver should take this issue up with Marantz.

Thank you.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2021, 07:19:23 am »

Security software, including antivirus, often causes such problems.  We have no control over it (for obvious reasons).

Each version and each build of MC may be treated differently by the security software.  It's your responsibility to understand how to use it.

If you're using Windows 10, please read the Windows Defender thread here and follow the advice.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2021, 10:08:23 am »

Security software, including antivirus, often causes such problems.  We have no control over it (for obvious reasons).

Each version and each build of MC may be treated differently by the security software.  It's your responsibility to understand how to use it.

If you're using Windows 10, please read the Windows Defender thread here and follow the advice.

I have disabled ALL security software incl. Windows Defender and MalwareBytes. No way to make your newer versions usable with the Marantz net receiver.
Your answer is by far too simple. I've stated that it works with the TV-Set from Panasonic and other renderers but not with the Marantz net receiver. If it would be any antivirus issue then other renderes wouldn't work as well.
Therefore it must be a bug in your software. BTW: Even in the versions 26/27 under "media network" the number of the servers is correctly shown, nonetheless it's impossible to send any music to the Marantz as it's not listed under available DLNA renderers; i.e. the Marantz is recognized and usable by Windows 10 and other software installed BUT not within MC 26/27. 
However, I will contact Marantz that they should not recommend your software any longer if you don't see any reason for action. Version 25 works fine, versions 26 and 27 are obviously not compatible, for whatever reason.
Bad luck. Will stay with version 25 and advise Marantz accordingly.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2021, 10:24:41 am »

There is no bug in the software that would explain what you describe.  It's got to be a configuration problem somewhere.

Disabling antivirus is often not enough.  Uninstalling it is the only certain test.

Configure Windows Defender and uninstall Malwarebytes.

Take a look at AndrewFG's program for analyzing the renderer.  It's in his signature.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2021, 11:16:55 am »

I don't know what to analyze. Everything works perfectly fine with MC25.

There have been already compatibility issues with my previous Marantz net receiver and a previous version of MC some years ago.
This was solved by a friendly member of your staff.

I'm rather convinced that we again talk about some compatibility issues here. It may well be that the problem is on the Marantz side and not your fault. However, it only affects the Marantz NR1710 and your versions 26/27 within my multi room media network of 5 different renderers and different software solutions (which BTW all work fine incl. your MC 25 server).
However, I'm not a software engineer, so I will give up here.

Maybe I will give your version 28 another try. Money for version 26 was wasted and I will certainly not buy version 27.
Luckily I need your software only for the server management of my music and video collection and that is already very satisfactory in version 25.
BTW, I'm using your software since version 6 and bought always the new releases up to MC26. MC27 is deleted from my wish list.....



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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2021, 04:29:18 pm »

But ThomasB, have you tamed Windows Defender as per AwesomeDonkey's instructions here,114101.0.html

You can't totally disable or uninstall Defender like you can other AV software, but it can be tamed.

Try to be painstaking in following the instructions and when reporting back, if you report back, be specific about what steps you've taken so that people can help you continue troubleshooting, if indeed you need to keep troubleshooting.

Your problem is unusual so as Wer said above, it might take some time to solve; but to do so, you'll have to be patient, detailed, and willing to follow instructions a la lettre. I myself have a networked Marantz AVR (an SR5010) and haven't seen anything like this with MC 26 or 27, though I did have an unusual network problem of my own that I finally figured out through a lot of trial and error and a lot of help from the forum. 

So: if you haven't done so, painstakingly tame Windows Defender as per the instructions on the link above (and I'd second Jim's suggestion of getting rid of Malwarebytes altogether: had nothing but issues with it when I had it installed for a month or so last year). If that doesn't work, I'd probably start looking at your router or the Marantz's network configuration itself, though someone else on here with more experiece fixing network stuff might have even better suggestions. But start with Defender.



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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2021, 04:34:42 pm »

Please download the DMRA from my sig, and run the test. If it discovers your renderer(s) when MC does not, then the issue is likely to be related to your MC installation. However if neither MC nor the DMRA find your devices, then the issue is certainly a router, firewall, or av software problem.
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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2021, 06:22:49 pm »

Please download the DMRA from my sig, and run the test. If it discovers your renderer(s) when MC does not, then the issue is likely to be related to your MC installation. However if neither MC nor the DMRA find your devices, then the issue is certainly a router, firewall, or av software problem.

Thanks for your help. Yes, your test programm finds all my renderers if I click the "use windows discovery" option. As I already stated, it's not likely to be a router or firewall problem.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2021, 09:29:37 pm »

But ThomasB, have you tamed Windows Defender as per AwesomeDonkey's instructions here,114101.0.html

You can't totally disable or uninstall Defender like you can other AV software, but it can be tamed.

Try to be painstaking in following the instructions and when reporting back, if you report back, be specific about what steps you've taken so that people can help you continue troubleshooting, if indeed you need to keep troubleshooting.

Your problem is unusual so as Wer said above, it might take some time to solve; but to do so, you'll have to be patient, detailed, and willing to follow instructions a la lettre. I myself have a networked Marantz AVR (an SR5010) and haven't seen anything like this with MC 26 or 27, though I did have an unusual network problem of my own that I finally figured out through a lot of trial and error and a lot of help from the forum. 

So: if you haven't done so, painstakingly tame Windows Defender as per the instructions on the link above (and I'd second Jim's suggestion of getting rid of Malwarebytes altogether: had nothing but issues with it when I had it installed for a month or so last year). If that doesn't work, I'd probably start looking at your router or the Marantz's network configuration itself, though someone else on here with more experiece fixing network stuff might have even better suggestions. But start with Defender.

Thanks for your hints. However, if I have to investigate for several days to make MC26 or 27 usable on a Windows network then I prefer to stay with MC25.
As I already stated: It's not worth the effort to study all the possibilities and circumstances for days or weeks. MC25 is good enough for me. Otherwise I will use other media server software like the one which is included free of charge in my router (FritzMediaserver). This also works fine. In other words: There is no ultimate need for me to use JRiver software if it's not compatible to my hardware or network settings.
Obviously it has something to do with the JRiver software as otherwise other DLNA servers would be affected as well. If JRiver doesn't provide solutions to existing problems I will look for other software. As simple as that.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2021, 01:58:11 am »

Hi Thomas B,
I have experienced the same problem with MC 26 and 27. Sorry to say but all the responses from JRiver are nonsense. It is not a problem of Windows 10 Firewall etc. but simply that in the settings of the audio output the option Network Streamer is no longer available - don't ask me why. Same as you I do continue using MC 25. Enjoy


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2021, 03:10:10 am »

I think you are right. Just tried Twonky Server and there is no problem whatsoever in supporting my Marantz net receiver on the same PC within the same network and unchanged security settings.
Working with all DLNAs in all directions.
Obviously there is something special within MC 26/27 which doesn't provide this flexibility any longer. However, as long as MC 25 is working there is no ultimate need to change to Twonky or something else, although Twonky provides more sophisticated navigation structure without the need for building playlists and that is really nice for big collections like mine. At least a very interesting alternative. Just started the free trial period with Twonky.....


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2021, 04:39:27 am »

Yes, your test programm finds all my renderers if I click the "use windows discovery" option. As I already stated, it's not likely to be a router or firewall problem.

If “use Windows discovery” works, and the alternate option does not: this means there is an active firewall blocking the DMRA exe application, which is however not able to block the Windows operating system.

You are obviously entitled to draw your own conclusions about whether this is a firewall problem..

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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2021, 05:15:50 am »

If “use Windows discovery” works, and the alternate option does not: this means there is an active firewall blocking the DMRA exe application, which is however not able to block the Windows operating system.

You are obviously entitled to draw your own conclusions about whether this is a firewall problem..

Your program doesn't find anything in my network UNLESS I use the Windows discovery option. On the other hand MC 26/27 finds everything EXCEPT the Marantz net receiver.
I don't see any similarity.
BTW, Twonky Server finds everything INCLUDING the Marantz net receiver, like MC 25 does as well.
Sorry, but there is no logic to explain this phenomenon. At least not for me....


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2021, 07:33:57 am »

If “use Windows discovery” works, and the alternate option does not: this means there is an active firewall blocking the DMRA exe application, which is however not able to block the Windows operating system.
Check your firewall carefully.  Open 52100 to 52200 and 1900 (SSDP).

You said you disabled Windows Defender.  That won't work.  Configure it:,114101.0.html


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2021, 09:25:51 am »

Sorry, but your explanations don't make any sense for me.
I've checked the firewall settings and they are absolutely identical for both versions MC 25 and MC 26/27.
Windows Defender Firewall is active and all rules are identical for the old and new versions of MediaCenter. Even if I allow any port (like Twonky Server does) the failure still persists, i.e. my Marantz isn't shown in the list of available renderers.
Windows Defender is deactivated for virus check since ages. No troubles with any program up to and including MC 25.

Conclusio: It has nothing to do with the firewall settings and virus programs. Obviously there was an amendment within your MediaCenter as from version 26 which is not compatible with my setup any longer.

I will give up here. Sad story that your program isn't compatible any longer after so long time of usage.

You will certainly understand that I'm not prepared to change everything on my side (another net receiver, etc.) because you changed something in your program as from version MC 26.
Luckily MC 25 is still working perfectly well with my setup and alternatively Twonky Server looks quite nice as well..... 


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2021, 12:09:47 pm »

Maybe you've done this and your reply is simply unclear, but the settings for MC 25 and MC26 or 27 can't be identical because the exclusions will have different paths, i.e., something like C:\Program Files\JRiver\Media Center 25\JRWeb.exe, say, vs. C:\Program Files\JRiver\Media Center 27\JRWeb.exe: obviously those are different paths. If you don't have exclusions set up, then that might be your problem.

Also note from the link both I and Jim provided that you have to exclude both folders and processes (and maybe a file or two? can't recall now), and this distinction is important. Anyway, this will all take you 15 minutes to a half-hour at most to set up.

Edit: Also what Jim and AndrewFG: something's mis-configured somewhere.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2021, 03:50:35 pm »

Maybe you've done this and your reply is simply unclear, but the settings for MC 25 and MC26 or 27 can't be identical because the exclusions will have different paths, i.e., something like C:\Program Files\JRiver\Media Center 25\JRWeb.exe, say, vs. C:\Program Files\JRiver\Media Center 27\JRWeb.exe: obviously those are different paths. If you don't have exclusions set up, then that might be your problem.

Also note from the link both I and Jim provided that you have to exclude both folders and processes (and maybe a file or two? can't recall now), and this distinction is important. Anyway, this will all take you 15 minutes to a half-hour at most to set up.

Edit: Also what Jim and AndrewFG: something's mis-configured somewhere.

Just for clarification: There is a list for port number settings (firewall configuration) and there is no difference between the different versions.
Defender virus protection is disabled on my PC. If MC 26/27 requires defender virus protection then I'm out of luck. I'm not willing to turn it on again as this works for me and all of my programs (incl. MC 25) since ages.

However, none of my programs including MediaCenter up to version 25 require the user to go deeply into the security settings of Windows. All are designed to take care about the required settings within the installation routine.
For whatever reason JRiver do not provide such routines during installation as from version 26 any longer like they did before and this results in limited functionality under certain circumstances.
In my case it's rather weird as my network connected Panasonic TV set is well recognized and listed as a valid play zone and my Audio receiver from Marantz is unavailable, although connected to the same network. Therefore I'm able to send playlists to the Panasonic which is connected to the Marantz for Audio delivery. But this would require that I always have the TV set additionally up and running, even if I want to listen to music only. This doesn't make much sense for me and is a waste of energy.

Again: The Marantz net receiver is recognized and working with all programs including MC up to version 25. The Panasonic TV is recognized and working with all programs including MC up to version 27.

If there would be something wrong with the security settings, then MC 26/27 would behave like the program from AndrewFG - either find all or nothing, depending on the option used.

Unfortunately this is not the case. For me the logical consequence is a incompatibility issue between MC26/27 and Marantz which is obviously intruduced by JRiver as a special feature when programming the newer versions. Otherwise MC 25 wouldn't work with Marantz as well or the Panasonic wouldn't work with the newer versions. Also the Android DLNA renderers in other rooms are well recognized and operating with ALL versions of MC.

As I said, the explanation to search for the security settings doesn't make any sense at all. We are talking here about a compatibility issue between MC 26/27 and the Marantz net receiver. Everything else is working fine.
JRiver is not willing to do something about and I am not willing to change my Marantz receiver to anything else which might operate with MC26/27 as well. I might also put an Android box in front of the Marantz receiver to solve the problem but that's not really satisfactory. Therefore I will stay with MC 25 until further although I've paid for MC 26. In the future I might change to another server software. I don't know yet.

I do hope that I have explained the problem very clearly and understandable now. English is not my mother language.

Seems to be the end of the story.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2021, 06:44:48 pm »

Just for clarification: There is a list for port number settings (firewall configuration) and there is no difference between the different versions.
Defender virus protection is disabled on my PC. If MC 26/27 requires defender virus protection then I'm out of luck. I'm not willing to turn it on again as this works for me and all of my programs (incl. MC 25) since ages.
You seem very confident of your knowledge about antivirus, so please read this thread:

You must configure Windows Defender.  You can't reliably turn it off.  Uninstall any other antivirus to eliminate it as the cause of your problems.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2021, 06:51:43 pm »

A couple of things to check as well.
Right-click on the player (or any other) zone
Show/Hide Zone
see if your missing zone is listed.

Otherwise look at the Media Network in the tree on the left under Services & Plug-ins
Check the status of the servers, are they all running?
Choose the SSDP server in the server's drop down.
Look for the stuff in the activity screen
Do you see the IP of your Marantz renderer in the source column?


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2021, 07:18:05 pm »

I don't know about the rest of you - but for me Windows seems to have a habit of mysteriously turning off Network discovery off at random points. So I think it's also worth just looking at "network' folder in windows to see if your Marantz equipment shows up under the media devices section (DLNA servers). If it does not it could be something with windows and your network and not JRiver at all. If it does not show in Explorer, then - like me - you'll have naviaget your way through Windows confusing mix of 'modern (annoying)' settings dialogs, and old settings dialogs to make sure that Network discovery and media sharing is set properly.

I am not suggesting you have not done this already, but often it needs to be repeated. Then when the settings are correct again, you also need to cycle your equipment to power on so windows will see it again.
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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2021, 12:28:31 am »

Thanks for your replies but for the time being I'll give up here. I'm accepting that MC isn't compatible to my setup as from version 26. Bad luck.

If for whatever reason JRiver is not able to implement a safe intallation routine and to take care about all the necessary settings which are required to operate within a Windows network contrary to other system providers then I'm out of luck.
Maybe I'll look into it at a later stage again but until further I will stay with MC 25 which doesn't struggle with my present settings and setup.

I just brought up the matter again as I wanted to see if there was any progress in comparison between MC 26 and MC 27. Unfortunately there was none and you still leave it to the user to solve these weird issues and problems.
Maybe you are changing your philosophy and I will look again at version 28 which might work again in my setup. Other system providers are still able to solve these issues like my test with Twonky Server has proven.

Otherwise I will most probably look for other solutions if for whatever reason MC 25 will not serve my needs anylonger in the future.

The positive side effect is that for the first time since ages I don't buy the new version of MediaCenter; i.e. I'm saving my money. I should have tested version 26 before I bought it. In future I'll never again buy any new release without prior testing. Lesson learned.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2021, 07:02:12 am »

This is almost definitely an issue caused by a firewall not being configured correctly. Just because an older Media Center works, doesn't mean a newer would would too - major Media Center versions are treated as separate programs (so you can have multiple versions of Media Center installed at the same time) and they don't reuse the previous version's firewall rules and that's something that you'd probably need to triple check.

If you're using no third-party antivirus/firewall app on your Windows machine, what you need to do is open the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security app in Windows, and look in both Inbound Rules and Outbound Rules and make sure Media Center 27 is added there (if it's not, select New Rule... and create a new one) and the connection is allowed for each category. I personally have two Media Center 27 entries in each category, one for TCP and the other for UDP (you can also have a single one set to Any, but I prefer to do it this way as I recall this is also what the Windows Defender Firewall will do when it prompts you after enabling Media Network). I also edit the rules to apply to Public, Domain and Private. Usually just allowing it for Public is enough (so afterwards you can switch it to this) but for the sake of testing I'd recommend checking all three.

Good luck.

P.S. I do plan on expanding the Taming Windows Defender guide in the future to include the Windows Defender Firewall as well. The Windows Defender Firewall is why, in some cases, components MC needs to download (Chromium, LAV Filters, madVR, etc.) don't download at all when attempting to do so, because it's silently blocked due to a misconfiguration with the Windows Defender Firewall.
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JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2021, 09:12:48 am »

This is almost definitely an issue caused by a firewall not being configured correctly. Just because an older Media Center works, doesn't mean a newer would would too - major Media Center versions are treated as separate programs (so you can have multiple versions of Media Center installed at the same time) and they don't reuse the previous version's firewall rules and that's something that you'd probably need to triple check.

Remains the question why all versions of MC up to and including 25 took care about the necessary firewall configuration automatically during installation and why JRiver leaves it to the user as from version 26.
I have never ever checked or edited any firewall rule myself and all programs including MC 25 worked troublefree within my network. Also the Twonky Server software package which I installed these days took care about the firewall rules automatically and works totally troublefree. It provides similar media server functionality like MediaCenter, even a bit more sophisticated. It is also able to distribute my existing MC 25 music library within my network, even directly to a chromecast device or any other existing DLNA renderer; i.e. I can continue to use my existing play lists as well.
I think I'll stay with Twonky Server. It's a really good, simple and stable solution, highly recommendable. Works instantly no further configuration needed.

It's always the big question why someone is using MediaCenter. For me the organisation of my rather huge music library was always the primary motivation and later on the network capablilities when these fancy DLNA renderers have been invented. Actually I don't need anything else as I do use rather high quality DAC's for the listening part of the game, all High-Res Audio certified (wired and wireless).

So for the management part of the library I will continue to use MC 25 as I'm very used to it after more than 20 years of usage. Newer versions don't really improve anything in that respect, it's a proven and very sophisticated core functionality.
The network part will be shifted to Twonky Server, even cheaper than MC 27 and works perfectly well with my HEOS and FiiO systems and programs. 
If JRiver want me back as customer they have to improve on the userfriendliness of the network side of MC. I have no plans to learn all the required skills, i.e. I'm not a network administrator.

End of Story, Problem solved. 



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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2021, 04:17:14 am »

Hi ThomasB,
how well I do understand you. This is my assessment of the situation.

having read some of the posts to this subject I would like to summarize my problem:
1st: my Ayon audio NW-T streamer is recognized in the menu under Playing now as well as in the network structure as is my NAS. Hence, there is no problem of firewall, anti-virus etc.
2nd: up to MC 25 there was the possibility to set a network streamer with Tools ->Options -> Audio -> Audio device and the playback works perfectly. In the actual version the Network Streamer is no longer offered as an option. Why??
Last: and for this reason the Network streamer does not provide any signal to my DAC.
I follow the opinion of another member: as log as this severe problem is not solved I will not upgrade to newer version but continue using MC 25.
Happy to get instructions to overcome my incompetence ;)


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2021, 05:09:43 am »

Well, IMHO it's by far too complicated by design. I've compared the port number setting list of the firewall: There are 8 different settings for MediaCenter for whatever reason and in comparison Twonky Server only needs 1 setting and operates trouble free in all directions. However, if the philosophy of JRiver is that only network experts are able to use all options of MediaCenter as from version 26 then they will most probably loose more customers. For my taste it's by far too cumbersome to dive deeply into the secrets of the Windows operating system, just to enable what other's are offering automatically.

In my case my Player providers (Marantz and FiiO) provide already very nice software free of charge to play music from a central DLNA server which used to be MediaCenter in my case, Android remote steering inclusive.

There are also plenty of other server solutions available, even free of charge (also included already in my Marantz and my Router), but not all of them are really good.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2021, 07:42:33 am »

Instead of repeating your complaints and telling us our software is broken, please follow Awesome Donkey's advice above.


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Re: MC 27 problem with Marantz net receiver
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2021, 08:43:03 am »

A couple of things to check as well.
Right-click on the player (or any other) zone
Show/Hide Zone
see if your missing zone is listed.

Otherwise look at the Media Network in the tree.
Check the status of the servers, are they all running?
Choose the SSDP server in the server's drop down.
Look for the stuff in the activity screen
Do you see the IP of your Marantz renderer in the source column?
Did you try this?
It's a very simple test.
MC doesn't use windows services for SSDP discovery, it has it's own SSDP server/responder.
The only way it won't work is if windows is preventing it from working. It will be obvious if that is the case by doing what I suggested above.

As far as DLNA devices showing up in MC's audio configuration is concerned, MC has never supported DLNA devices in the audio configuration menu. If your device showed up there you were seeing the results of some shim or similar that we don't provide.
Perhaps your shim only worked with 32 bit programs and you switch to 64 bit MC somewhere between 25 and 27?

Also of course windows removed SMB 1.0 support between the time MC25 and MC27 were released. So a lot of devices that showed up in windows as media devices went away. This doesn't affect MC directly because as I said MC doesn't depend on windows for SSDP discovery but it could affect a shim making such a device show up in Options->Audio->Devices.
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