More > JRiver Media Center 27 for Windows

DLNA Album Artwork Display not working

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In Version 27 when streaming from my computer to a DLNA Device it does not display album art. It only shows a Jrvier Logo on the display screen.
I never had any issue with this in Version 26, which still shows album art correctly when playing to a DLNA device.
Can you please try and solve this? I really miss album art on version 27.
Please note I am using zoneswitch to automatically default to my DLNA device.


David Sydney:
This is most likely occurring for you because you have media that does not have album art work inside your media track tags. If you look at tags for one of the items that does not display - what does it say underneath the album art image "inside file" or more likely C:\User\xyz\AppData\Roaming\JRiver\Media Centre? or folder.jpg? This means it is not going to send it across - the image needs to be embedded into the tag as "inside file AxB - x Kb". You need to tidy up your media files to repaste the image into the tag to store it back inside the file. I have set up a view just specifically to highlight tracks that have "C:\user\xyz\AppData ..." so I can fix them.

All my music has embeded album art, I make sure to imbed each album with art before adding to my library.
the image shows up fine in the image thumbnail
It works fine in JRiver 26 with the same songs.
The problem is in JRiver 27 only, it seems like a bug to me as it worked perfectly in JRiver 26 for all my music.
you can see in this screenshot the album art is embedded, art shows in the thumbnail, but not in the display area.

Did you compare settings between MC26 and MC27?

DLNA pushes album art to renderers via two potential methods:

1. In the command SetAVtransportURI it includes a URL where the renderer can get the image from.
2. In the audio track there may be embedded meta data with the image in it.

Some renderers do not support method 1.

And there are two issues with method 2. Namely..

2.1 if MC is transcoding the audio, it does not include the meta data in the transcoded file. i.e. it is audio only.

2.2 if MC is pushing the original file, it will contain the embedded image. But the image may be at the end of the file (after the audio), so the renderer will only get to see it after it has downloaded everything else (probably some way into the play duration).


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