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Advanced Tag Editing: Remove Actors With Only One Title

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--- Quote from: zybex on March 06, 2021, 07:15:33 am ---Try selecting 1 or more files first.
--- End quote ---

Obviously, always tried on the exact selection, in the exact same order etc etc...

Ooops, "Topic moved" -- glad I didn't give away my 'very old' version too soon... (not deemed necessary as my first questions were not version related, or so I thought, which is also why I posted in the latest forum... ;-)

In terms of updating, I keep following MC's development, reading about new features etc, so will eventually buy once there is a feature I need... ;-)

On another note, I may have found why the 'Paste Tags' item is disabled. On the "Tagging Mode" wiki page, it says "Select a View Scheme in the tree (you must select the Parent, not Child of the Scheme)."
In fact, my testing view was nested in another -- so even while not in (column) tagging mode, this may have blocked tag pasting... (some things ain't what they really seem... ;-)

Will try moving the view to repeat the process... and post results for any one still interested... Thank you! ;-)

Sorry to say, but nothing works...

Approach #1 -- The expression ListLimit([Darsteller/in],2) (with 'Actors' replaced by my custom* German name) has reduced the total number of actors "by 4" (from 10,386 to 10,382). Not the desired effect...
* I'm not using the original actors field because MC will display all of its entries in the title hover preview ('description'), making it too large in some cases... one of the many details we have not yet considered...

Approach #2 -- As for pasting of tags, I have moved my 'testing view' to the parent 'Video' branch of the tree. This view is 'file list' based only, has NO categories, and only my custom "Darsteller/in" column visible. Yet the 'Paste Tags' menu item remains greyed out (disabled).

I would be happy for either of the two issues to find a solution -- no matter which as both aim for the same goal... ;-)

Andrew, I mentioned the DLNA issue already. You have lists of actors in several fields - Actors, Darsteller, Lead Actors, whatever. Now, how do you know which one of those fields is displayed by the TV? ListLimit() is creating a shorter list of actors, and then placing it on a separate field; but... why would the TV see that field automagically? It doesn't work like that. I would expect the TV to display the contents of the hardcoded [Actors] field, not anything else. Certainly not any non-standard field. So unless you're willing to do proper tests, this won't go any further. I suggest you create a blank database, add 5 or 10 movies, and play around with the Actors to see exactly what is reflected on the TV view.

As for #2, pasting tags, no one here will there's no point wasting time trying to find out why that doesn't work on v25. At least try upgrading to the latest available v25 version.


--- Quote from: zybex on March 06, 2021, 12:36:08 pm ---Now, how do you know which one of those fields is displayed by the TV? ... why would the TV see that field automagically? It doesn't work like that. I would expect the TV to display the contents of the hardcoded [Actors] field, not anything else. Certainly not any non-standard field.


As for #2, pasting tags, no one here will waste time trying to find out why that doesn't work on v25.
--- End quote ---

Outch, that hurt... I can't believe you've never used the media network options of MC? But no problem, you've helped me along, so I'm happy to tell you: In MC's options, if you click the tab 'Media Network', then "Add or configure DLNA servers" and "Customize views", you will find the very same ways to create views as you do within MC. You can even import existing library views, and change them in every way possible. There is nothing 'hard coded' at all, they use the exact same search & filter wizard like your regular MC views. (Default views are already set up for DLNA, and under 'Advanced > Customize views for JRemote/Panel/MCWS', respectively.)

In terms of #2, what if I asked you, "how does it work in the latest version?" instead? (Sorry, trying to be smart again... Honest, I didn't know that older versions are excluded from 'Is this support'... ;-)


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