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Advanced Tag Editing: Remove Actors With Only One Title
It works fine on [Artist] which is also list type (it was basically designed for [Artist] originally). Are you sure?
The smartlist you gave lists almost all my files, so the View filter (-p=smartlist ~expand=Actors) returns only 90 files or so.
But with the View grouped by Artist, I can see that about 60% or the artists are on a single movie (thousands).
There's another problem with this approach: I have some foreign movies where ALL actors are just on that movie. So removing them doesn't make sense, would result in the movie having no listed actors.
--- Quote ---That will make a list of movies with one movie from each Actor you have in your Library (and only one). If you have multiple movies with the same Actor, it will randomly pick one.
--- End quote ---
I actually see multiple movies with same Actor (but different list of actors) on the smartlist results. This probably happens because:
- movie 1 has Actors A;B;C;D;E - this one gets selected as the limit for A
- movie 2 has Actors A;F;G;H;I - this one gets selected as the limit for F
So both movies will be listed, but both movies have A.
Hmmm. It must operate differently on [Actors] than it does on [Artist]. I'll test it myself later tonight to see if I can reproduce it.
--- Quote from: zybex on March 04, 2021, 09:15:21 am ---There's another problem with this approach: I have some foreign movies where ALL actors are just on that movie. So removing them doesn't make sense, would result in the movie having no listed actors.
I actually see multiple movies with same Actor (but different list of actors) on the smartlist results. This probably happens because:
- movie 1 has Actors A;B;C;D;E - this one gets selected as the limit for A
- movie 2 has Actors A;F;G;H;I - this one gets selected as the limit for F
--- End quote ---
This shouldn't, if ~limit works correctly with list-type fields, matter. The whole idea is to eliminate ALL instances of a particular person. And then when you ~expand on the list in your View, it won't expand those people (and the ~expand will fix everything else). The contents of the "filter smartlist" don't matter, so long as they include the one matching file with that particular person in it.
But, if ~limit really doesn't work right with list-type fields, then it would get all screwed up. Like I said, it works okay on my library and I use it extensively with [Artist]. But [Artist] is special. (Or multi-artists are so infrequent in my library, though not that infrequent, that it hasn't previously interfered with my usage of the trick anyway.)
If anyone from JRiver is looking at this, could you comment if ~limit does, or is supposed to, work on list-type fields properly?
Many thanks to you both! I have tried Glynor's "~limit=-1,1,[Actor]" scheme once more, but (much like yesterday) the smartlist returns almost all movie files, not 'one-title-only' actors (obviously, for a list can return only titles, not names etc... ;-)
This can't work, because I'm looking for the opposite -- that is "Actors with 1 Title only", NOT "Titles with 1 Actor only", with 'Actor/Artist' being the same list types... In plain words, my search would be sth like this (please translate into MC's expression language ;-):
"Titles with Actors who have only 1 Title to their name"
Zybex's suggestion is similar to what I tried already, using the 'Actor' category, sorted by number of titles (or sort the column that way, see 1st post) -- but either way lets me remove actors from results one by one only, not all in a batch... Whether in Tag Editor or via 'column tagging', to de-select thousands of entries manually would just take me too long, and there is no menu option to untick all selected actors...
Edit: Back in my View, I tried to follow Glynor's idea, with the resulting search expression:
"-playlistid==1052090937 ~expand=[Darsteller/in]"
Where the 'playlist id' points to the new smartlist "Darsteller/in" (sth like 'bi-gendered' German for English "actor/esses" ;-), created using the "~limit=-1,1,[Actor]" expression...
But again, the result is listing all movie files... I think the issue lies with the basic difference that each file can have only 1 'Title' value, but multiple 'Actor' values...
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