More > JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows
Advanced Tag Editing: Remove Actors With Only One Title
--- Quote from: zybex on March 07, 2021, 01:41:16 pm ---You can play around with Zelda to test and find something that works for you.
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Very impressive, so you're a professional developer, not just 'advanced user'... ;-) For my part, to be honest I don't mean to get into MC's expression language too much, but rather use the options available... Knowing what I want, feel free to come up with any idea... ;-)
What I've tried so far: Create a (DLNA) view with my custom field 'Darsteller/in' as category #1, then Edit > Grouping this by '1' to return one result per letter ('A, B, C, etc'). Next I added the same category once more, in order to reduce the total amount of results per category (where each represents one navigation level, displayed on one or more pages on the DLNA browser, depending on length of the result). Thus, the final goal is to shrink that number to a maximum of 63 pages that list all results there are.
The screenshot below shows these configs, and how to get there in MC's options window, just for illustration...
--- Quote from: andrewberg on March 07, 2021, 12:58:21 pm ---I tried to limit the view to 4+ ratings, but that still returns too many, because it includes all actors for any 4+ rated film, and creates a result for each ;-)
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Edit: Just tested this again, and the 4+ rating limits results to an acceptable number (I hadn't browsed to the bottom level earlier ;-) -- so that works for the time being... It won't allow me to browse actors with lower ratings via DLNA -- but then again, when would I ever do that... ;-)
--- Quote --- Knowing what I want, feel free to come up with any idea... ;-)
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No, this has gone on long enough. You're not willing to do what it takes anyway, why even ask for ideas? Full stop from me.
--- Quote from: zybex on March 07, 2021, 03:29:10 pm ---No, this has gone on long enough. You're not willing to do what it takes anyway, (...)
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Sorry to hear that, and for spoiling your Sunday, so thanks again. You should not feel obliged to answer on weekends (unless you're paid for it... ;-)
Anyway, I enjoyed this discussion, and am quite content with a simple solution -- which is what I expected to find in this forum, not on my own. (I'm on a customer's view in that point, regardless of when I upgrade... ;-)
--- Quote from: andrewberg on March 07, 2021, 02:58:56 pm ---Edit: Just tested this again, and the 4+ rating limits [Actors] results to an acceptable number (...) -- so that works for the time being... ;-)
--- End quote ---
Sometimes "what it takes" is what you already know... ;-) Apologies for not testing enough beforehand...
Shouldn't have asked for 'database experts' to start with, that moved things to a wrong direction...
All while the solution was THAT simple -- once found out, it only took 3 steps:
1.) In a column view, filtered to include all files with actors (e.g. by "-[Actors]=[]"), add your [Actors] column, or whatever called in your language, and sort it by 'Number of files' (or click column header > Edit > Sorting).
2.) Next, scroll the column down to the first actor who has only one film displayed in the file panel below; then continue selecting all entries further down ('Shift + End', or 'Page/Arrow Down' to select individually, Ctrl+Click works too).
3.) Now press 'F2' on your keyboard to open the first selected entry for renaming, then press 'Delete' or 'Backspace'. This will transfer the new 'empty' value to all items in your selection, thus clear them in this case (quite like renaming in Windows Explorer really ;-).
Et voila, all one-film-only actors have been removed from your library! (In my case of ~10,000 actors, it took a few moments of background activity to complete... ;-) Note: Should you wish to keep a complete list for backup, create a new field, e.g. [Actors (complete)] or whatever, and copy them all in there before doing the steps above.
I wonder why nobody here, however helpful and interesting some comments were, had thought of this simplest way... Perhaps we're all too obsessed with more new stuff, new versions, new technologies etc to outwit the others to remember the very basics...
(BTW, for entertainment's sake, just been watching 'Rogue Cop' (1954) while writing this -- good old dressman, Robert Taylor is sure to stay in my library, most other crooks are not! ;-)
(Edit: topic subject changed accordingly)
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