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List Combining [Last Played] and [Number Plays]
Another idea -- can I also include files with number of plays between 0-1 (meaning 'not very often' ;-)?
I first tried this rule:
--- Code: ---([Last Played]=>1y or [Number Plays]=0-1)
--- End code ---
But "0-1" doesn't work, so I tried instead:
--- Code: ---([Last Played]=>1y or [Number Plays]=[]-1)
--- End code ---
The "[Number Plays]=[]-1" rule works, but now it cancels out the "[Last Played]=>1y" rule, so will include ANY file played 0-1 times regardless of WHEN it was played...
Any idea how to make that work, perhaps by reverse sorting the two rules (assuming they are processed in reading order 'left to right'), as in:
--- Code: ---([Number Plays]=[]-1 or [Last Played]=>1y)
--- End code ---
Sorry, I'm reluctant to try further before I understand the background (and because results may not show the difference right away)... Any insights appreciated, thanks ahead!
Edit #1: It seems I found out -- you have to add separate rules INTO the 'OR' braces to include files played 0, or 1-2 times etc:
--- Code: ---([Last Played]=>1y or [Number Plays]=<2 or [Number Plays]=[])
--- End code ---
Edit #2: This time I placed "[Last Played]=>1y" first, so to not get 'ruled out' by the others, but the order seems to make no difference for rules within the same 'OR' group... Is that so?
Anyway, seems to work so far (not yet tested via DLNA, so any comment is still welcome! ;-)
--- Quote from: andrewberg on March 12, 2021, 04:45:11 pm ---Edit #1: It seems I found out -- you have to add separate rules INTO the 'OR' braces to include files played 0, or 1-2 times etc:
--- Code: ---([Last Played]=>1y or [Number Plays]=<2 or [Number Plays]=[])
--- End code ---
Edit #2: This time I placed "[Last Played]=>1y" first, (...) but the order seems to make no difference for rules within the same 'OR' group... Is that so?
--- End quote ---
Update to my prev. post -- sadly this didn't work either (just tested for DLNA), results included ANY number of plays...
Next attempt: combine only the last two rules that might be in conflict, like so:
--- Code: ---[Last Played]=>1y ([Number Plays]=<2 or [Number Plays]=[])
--- End code ---
This appears to get closer to the desired output... I still could use some help on this, would anyone be so kind?
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