Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.36

(1/26) > >>

Changes in this build:

   Fixed crashing caused by build tool updates.
   Fixed (i)nfo selection malfunction caused by build tool updates.
   Fixed track selection malfunction caused by build tool updates.

Known issues:

  Top spacing on notched devices with large fonts.
  Quick jump on lists when article sorting is enabled.

My Iphone 6 plus, which does not have the top notch, also cuts the text off. 

I cannot for the life of me find the instructions to connect the laptop to the iPad I have downloaded the app from the App Store and I figured it out once because it worked but then I had a software problem and had to uninstall and reinstall jriver 26 but they will not connect so I don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it and I have search every way I know how so if some one could direct me to the instructions or if you know how to get it reconnected I would really appreciate it

Read about Access Key on our wiki.

What about adding support for google cast/chromecast? I've seen other apps on iOS support both airplay and gcast so I know it isn't locked away on an OS level. Would be quite useful for iOS users who owns android devices like TVs or set-top boxes etc.


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