Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.36

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Hi everyone

I just bought JRemote app for Apple iOS and i can't use it in my car. It work perfectly in my house (or around). Router is ok, transcoding on or off doesn't change anything, DNLA is checked everywhere on media network. Is there a step by step instructions to install JRemote precisely somewhere here?


Hi. I noticed the last time JRemote on the Apple App Store was update was over 2 year ago. Will there be any more updates, or is all the focus on Panel?

We are working on an update now.
There are several betas that have been released in the meantime but they have broken features on versions of iOS <13 so we haven't pushed a update to the store yet.
If you are interested in trying the beta, PM me.

Good news!  Look forward to it.  Hope you're considering clear upcoming (not currently playing) from a playlist as a feature.  Similar to the way it works in Roon.  Please!

jack wallstreet:

--- Quote from: AllanM on April 20, 2023, 12:08:46 pm ---Hi. I noticed the last time JRemote on the Apple App Store was update was over 2 year ago. Will there be any more updates, or is all the focus on Panel?

--- End quote ---

I am glad to hear about an update to jremote.  I have tried panel for awhile, but last time I did it doesn't hold a candle to jremote.


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