Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote (iOS) 3.36

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I am not sure when this started.  But for some reason if I have "Transcode Audio" turned off in settings it eventually turns itself back on for no reason.  The same goes for "Prevent Screen From Dimming".  In fact it seems like the two settings might be affecting each other (Though I am not sure about that).  If I have Prevent Screen from Dimming turned on and Audio transcode turned off they seem to reverse themselves eventually (after a few songs).

This happens playing directly to the iphone (to my Carplay (USB) or to bluetooth headphones / Speakers).

any help much appreciated.



--- Quote from: jctcom on July 18, 2021, 02:09:23 am ---I am not sure when this started.  But for some reason if I have "Transcode Audio" turned off in settings it eventually turns itself back on for no reason.  The same goes for "Prevent Screen From Dimming".  In fact it seems like the two settings might be affecting each other (Though I am not sure about that).  If I have Prevent Screen from Dimming turned on and Audio transcode turned off they seem to reverse themselves eventually (after a few songs).

This happens playing directly to the iphone (to my Carplay (USB) or to bluetooth headphones / Speakers).

any help much appreciated.


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Those options are stored on a per-server basis so perhaps that's what you are noticing?
There was an issue with that about 3 revisions ago but it was fixed.

When I enable "Ignore articles in sort (a, an, the)" in JRemote, it crashes and does not open anymore until I reinstall it. Rebooting does not help.
iPhone XR. Been like this since at least iOS 14.3.


--- Quote from: pwu on July 24, 2021, 01:15:06 pm ---When I enable "Ignore articles in sort (a, an, the)" in JRemote, it crashes and does not open anymore until I reinstall it. Rebooting does not help.
iPhone XR. Been like this since at least iOS 14.3.

--- End quote ---
What version of MC?
This has been an issue because JRemote reads articles from MC (if the version is new enough) and some have reported corrupt articles set in MC.

I have JRemote 3.36.   I’ve noticed that lately when I have the tags list open for a music file and I click on “Artist bio” the app will crash. It seems to happen if the artist’s name is not known as is the case for some rare classical or early jazz artists.  I understand why the app can’t respond if an artist”s name is unknown but I don’t think it should crash.


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