Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote2 Crashes After Sending Music to Chromecast

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Up until a month or so ago chromecast from JRiver2 app was working well.

Recently however JRiver2 crashes when casting.

I select the device to cast to. I select a song. I push play on the app. The music starts. JRiver crashes. Music continues but without the remote, there is no way to turn the music off or skip songs or pick another album. This happens with the 2 tablets I use. The server is the same as when it was working fine; a Win10 setup. When I use the JPanel chromecast works just fine (which is a good solution I guess).

Same problem here on a Samsung Galaxy S7. App crashes reliably until the cast ends. The components on the phone responsible for casting seemed to go on fine, able to see what is playing, disconnect, or stop.

Didn't notice this thread earlier, and posted on another thread. Good to know it worked at some point, which is reason to be optimistic that it can be fixed soon.

same here, no longer useful for chromecast. App crashes repeatedly on phone, no impact on server. Samsung s10

We're currently testing a small update to resolve this, it should be available either today or over the next few days, depending on how final tests go and how fast Google rolls it out through the play store.

Hi, did this issue ever get resolved?

I am having the same issue using a android 10 tablet, JRemote2 will immediately crash once I try to send music to a cast device. The music will continue to play for a while but  JRemote2 closes.

I also have are JRemote2 on a android 11 phone and it works perfectly.

Does anyone have any idea, what the issue could be? All the settings are the same on both tablet and the phone.

I have tried to search for a solution, but nothing seems an obvious cause?

Many thanks for reading


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