More > JRiver Media Center 28 for Windows

Feature request: more than 5 stars for rating.

<< < (4/5) > >>

So you read one page and gave up. Driving lessons take longer than that, unfortunately.
Have you tried the Help menu yet? There's an index. Try searching for 'fields' there.

By the way even using the 5 stars is not working.
Learning to code for that problem ...would be another week of
1) finding the specific wiki
2) reading this or that wiki
3) a solid month to understand what the wiki is even talking about, lol.
4) for something that'd you'd think could be easily fixed.

If a car you just bought didn't work, and the manual was written for engineers of cars not customers, and there were only two car makers available in the world, and when you politely asked, "hey I'd pay extra if the car would work next time heh" and you were told to just eat dirt and "read the manual hah hah hah!"  When an answer is apparently so simple that anyone here can do it very simply, but it can't be done on future releases of the product. And no, no one can help me do it or make a how to video showing a customer who just paid for it how it's done. Instead, that paying customer is ...well whatever. It was just a suggestion. I guess I should be thankful I'm allowed to buy JRiver. Thank you! Thank you so much! lol.

Glad I even got one person to offer to help me for free even if the advice was still over my head.

The whole thing could be cleared up with one short video showing exactly how it's done.

A good customer service experience. "Hey! Glad you plunked down 75 dollars when there are so many free alternatives! Here, let's help you get your new purchase up and running!" Instead? I get...all this. hahah.

But there's still hope music lovers! Maybe some brave soul will simply make a video!

A picture being worth a thousand words and all! <3  ;D ;D ;D :) :)

It's not too late to be a decent person and help me enjoy this "JRiver MC thing" and then go about my life recommending it to everyone I meet!  ;D ;D

Instead of:

Wow. All those audio players! How many charge anything? Wow, almost none do! Dozens of free audio media players! Hmmm. Of those that do charge something, who charges the most? Well, I'll be! JRiver charges, by far, the most money! And it's not even a lifetime subscription!

But surely paying for something means you're getting the very best! Surely, if I buy that one, the one that costs the most money, and it doesn't work or there's something I need help with...they'll be happy to help me! After all, if I bought a Jaguar know the analogy is sorta...lacking and doesn't really work but bear with me...if I bought a luxury model car why I'd expect it to be top notch, right? And if it wasn't then when I mentioned this to the sales staff, or the customer service, and if they pooped all over me and told me to "read the manual", why I'd assume it's all a scam and I just got taken. lol.

But, it's not too late to  :)

To make a short, simple video helping out. For all future customers who need or want this feature.

After all it's sooo simple to do!

Or just consider adding it as an option in future releases. Which is what I stated in the OP.  ;)

@ Rutabaga. Sorry mate if you feel that way, I wanted to help you at that problem, but it seems you need more than help, you need to be taught how to work on MC. Think of MC as a tool, but the tool doesn't do anything if you don't know how to use that tool. When you buy a tool, you know that it will be helping you on whatever you want to achieve. I will try to make a video tutorial if you want to see how to add a new field, call that field and how to workaround on this type of work, I will not promise you that, but I will do my best. But like Zybex told you, sometimes you have to open a book/information to see how to work with this MC tool.


--- Quote from: SkGe on July 09, 2021, 02:56:41 pm ---@ Rutabaga. Sorry mate if you feel that way, I wanted to help you at that problem, but it seems you need more than help, you need to be taught how to work on MC. Think of MC as a tool, but the tool doesn't do anything if you don't know how to use that tool. When you buy a tool, you know that it will be helping you on whatever you want to achieve. I will try to make a video tutorial if you want to see how to add a new field, call that field and how to workaround on this type of work, I will not promise you that, but I will do my best. But like Zybex told you, sometimes you have to open a book/information to see how to work with this MC tool.

--- End quote ---

Thank you SkGe! I certainly appreciate the help you've given so far!

I'm not sure why videos aren't already made for most FAQ topics.

* People more familiar with coding can use Foobar2000 ...for free.

* People without large libraries can use Clementine, MusicBee, AIMP, or etc ...for free.

* And, there's always paid subscription services like Spotify.

Entire "business model" of MC seems to be "you pay us because we've coded a better media player than your pre-installed Windows system did."

That was the appeal of MC, to me, anyways. I assume I'm not alone. I've paid you and now I can automatically import a large collection, play the whole thing randomly, save to playlists, rate ...and I don't need to read a wiki or have to code anything. It's like "skins", y'know? I'm sure you could code your own perfect "skin"...but MC comes with a few "out of the box"...and oh hai here's a page of others that people have already done.

Expanding any of these features and making them easier to adjust doesn't seem like so bizarre a request.
It seems like a no-brainer that would put more more money into the pockets of MC's creators. But what do I know?

Maybe you're using MC for things I don't even know it can do! That'd be cool. I's have just bought more than an audio / video media player.
I get that it plays on a TV (don't really use that function) and that it handles very large libraries (it's main appeal for me).

So...what does this "MC tool" do besides play music and video?

I'd love to know.  :D

Anyways, regardless if you end up making a "how-to video" or not...and I certainly would apprecaite it if you do...thanks for trying to explain this to me in a friendly manner. JRiver staff should be paying you to help people like me and for making videos explaining their software to their customers! Ha ha ha! Or...just for being a helpful, polite resource explaining how to fix issues.



--- Quote from: Rutabaga on June 17, 2021, 07:14:23 am ---You can maybe see my dilemma here. Between 'good' and 'excellent' ...there's not a lot of nuance.

--- End quote ---

Actually, no, I don't see any dilemma.  I see you maybe giving too much thought (and stars) to 2 and 3 stars.

If you're using MC for your radio show, it seems you want more granularity in songs you may play on air.  So, make anything you won't play on air 1 star.  all your 2 stars are really 1 stars.  I suggest this...

1 star - not good enough to play on air

2 stars - maybe gets on air

3 stars -  good tune

4 stars - great tune

5 stars - greatest tune

Fighting to add a half star between 4 & 5 is a bit too much work for my tastes.

If that just can't work, try using the comment field, or create a new field of whatever you want to call it, and just type your star description in there, and just create a playlist where it only selects the descriptions you want to play.  Nothing says you have to use stars to designate how much you like a song.

Either way, you have been given plenty of help, but you seem stuck on doing it the way you want, but don't want to learn how to do it that way.  I'm not sure how much more help you will get when your response to help is, I don't want to learn, re-write the program for my needs.

Good luck.


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