More > JRiver Media Center 28 for Windows

NEW: A Better Crossfade

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--- Quote from: cdrmaker on July 20, 2021, 03:15:31 pm ---Im looking for the new crossfade options, Where are they located? Also, I have tracks ripped from CD's with a sample rate of 44.1khz, and others that ive downloaded at 48khz. when i play these in MC25 and it switches from one sample rate to another, the transition is abrupt, not a smooth crossfade. will the new crossfade in MC28 fix this issue? Is there a setting i can change to het a smooth crossfade with the different sample rates?

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It’s not an issue and is normal behaviour as your dac needs to change its sample rate for playback so it can’t be smooth… What you can do is change the sample rate to a higher setting under the dsp settings or just force everything to 44.1 or 48. The cross fade options are under playback settings


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