More > JRiver Media Center 28 for Windows

Moving To MC28 From An Older Version

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--- Quote from: JimH on December 28, 2021, 08:07:37 am ---You can test it.  Just download MC28 and install it.

Have you looked at Cloudplay?

--- End quote ---

Thanks, I am going to give it a go. Still it would be good to know what settings are maintained from my older version and what custom configurations I'm going to need to reset from scratch. I am going to use this upgrade as an opportunity to modify and simplify my music folder organization, do some file format conversion in dBpoweramp and other modifications to my current setup, etc so my library and playback options will be more streamlined. One thing I know is that somewhere down the road I am going to be forced to upgrade when I take the plunge and buy a new PC and/or move from Windows 10 to 11, since MC24 is not going to be compatible with the new OS. Might as well upgrade to MC28 now.

Is there a link/page where the procedure of installing a new version is described? Since it has been over three years since I installed and set up MC24 I've forgotten how do do things. First question, when I have installed MC28 and launch it for the first time, how do I abort the automatic locate and import music files function, so I can do that later on, creating rules for what drives and folders my music files are located in that I want to be included in my library? I know this and other basic questions are answered somewhere so please point me to the page where I can read all of it. Thanks again.

Just follow the instructions in the first post of this thread.


--- Quote from: JimH on December 28, 2021, 10:42:57 am ---Just follow the instructions in the first post of this thread.

--- End quote ---

D'oh!  :o

I purchased and downloaded the file to install MC28. I understand I will be able to keep my current version MC24 and use it until I want to leave it behind and use MC28 as my default media player. Will I be able to launch and run both versions simultaneously? I am guessing there are some settings that won't be copied from the old library and it might be helpful to have both open to look at various tool windows to copy these settings to the new version, compare them side by side to make sure I've got the audio device settings, DSP and output format correctly selected for each playback zone, etc. I'm committed to moving forward with this upgrade though I am still nervous about how smoothly it will go. I know I can come to this forum for help when I need it.

I agree with Michael123 and keithsonic that a simple "proper in-place upgrade" would be so much simpler for me. Like this week I paid for a major upgrade of dBpoweramp and I upgraded in the usual fashion with the new version simply replacing the older one. I suppose by keeping the old version it does give the user something to fall back on if there are bugs in the new one that will need to be fixed. What do I know, I'm not a software developer...

I followed the procedure to upgrade for my Windows version and downloaded the file "Media Center28 Windows-541572.mjr" and when I double click I get a popup saying "your license file is for a different product"


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