This sounds like some simple manual editing after importing is in order. If the info is not automatically filled in during CD read (prior to a rip) or prompting a database, then you'll have to do it "old school" ; one track/file at a time (unless multiple files share the same year, then, "batch renaming" is possible by selecting the desired (consecutive) tracks and editing the "Year" column - this will save some time).
As someone already suggested, Discogs and Wiki are great resources for getting a vast array of album information (song writing credits, songs featured on domestic and foreign releases, running times for individual songs and total time of entire album, date recorded, date released, production & mixing credits, band lineups, etc).
It's time consuming, but worth it.
If you do put such work into detailing your playlists, BE SURE to back up not only the ".m3u" playlists (by clicking "File>Export ALL Playlists" from the MC toolbar) - which ONLY stores the file location, NOT metadata or other details - but also the following ".JMD" metadata files :
Selecting "File>Library>Backup Library" will export these files in a ZIP file automatically within the MC directory, but I like to make duplicate copies of these files in other locations, just to be safe... backups of the backups, as it were.
Should you need to restore these files, clicking "File>Library>Restore Library" will allow you to navigate/browse to select the last saved ZIP file containing the ".JMD" metadata files.
Restoring these files manually (as well as the m3u playlist files) is also possible. Extract the JMD files from the backup ZIP file and put them into their appropriate MC directory folder.
BTW, the above information is based on the MC v10, so unless certain things have changed within the program's functionality and options, the info above is correct.