More > JRiver Media Center 28 for Windows
NEW: Per File Track Transitions (cross-fade, gapless, etc.)
JRiver Media Center 28.0.41 has added the ability to set track transitions individually, per file.
If you've ever wanted cross-fade one file, gapless another, and gapped fade a third, all in the same playlist, now you have that capability.
Pick the file you want to change the transition style for.
Look at the "Track Transition" and "Track Transition Duration" fields.
For the track transition, you can pick any mode that Media Center supports. The duration is a number in milliseconds (1000=1 second). If you leave it set at -1, it uses the current default setting.
During playback, only the first file of the pair uses the transition, and only at the end. The beginning of the second file is not altered.
Any previous overall setting will be used now as a default for any file is not tagged. Any tagged file will override the setting. So you can just tag a few files and your past setting will be applied to the others.
This allows making a playlist more finely tuned for how the transitions work.
Enjoy :)
28.0.41 is on the beta board and should be on this board in a couple of days.
Related discussion:,129829.msg900683.html#msg900683
Just a note that the first build will only allow fades up to the buffer size.
Coming later we're going to adjust the buffer size for the longest fade in your playlist (up to a minute).
You will need to set the durations for all the files before starting playback since it's at player creation time we allocate the buffer. So starting playback then setting the duration to a minute won't work. You'll need to restart playback.
So hopefully even better coming soon :)
This is now available in 28.0.42.,130079.0.html
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