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Play Music through Cambridge CXN(V2) streamer


Hello I have just purchased JR River as it is the only program that I have found that seems to be able to convert DSD  from cue files on a imac
I gather I should also be able to connect it wirelessly to my CXNV2 Cambridge audio streamer so I can play  songs straight from the library through that  But cannot find about any information how to do it , could somebody please let me know if it is possible and if so how I would go about doing this?

Many Thanks


Is that DLNA compatible?
Go into MC's Tools->Options and turn on Media Network.
It should then show up as a zone if it's DLNA compatible.

You'll likely want to do some configuration of MC's DLNA server settings to customize it for your device but the default will get you up and running

I know this is an old thread, but it's on point, and please excuse my tech ignorance.
Has anyone answered, is the cxn V2 "DLNA compatible?"  I'd like to be sure before I buy one.
I assume so, because I now stream from JRiver on my PC to chromecasts in my house, UPnP/DLNA, and cxnv2 specs say it's UPnP compatible -- is that (effectively) synonymous with DLNA compatible?


--- Quote from: rick5 on October 21, 2022, 06:08:43 pm ---I know this is an old thread, but it's on point, and please excuse my tech ignorance.
Has anyone answered, is the cxn V2 "DLNA compatible?"  I'd like to be sure before I buy one.
I assume so, because I now stream from JRiver on my PC to chromecasts in my house, UPnP/DLNA, and cxnv2 specs say it's UPnP compatible -- is that (effectively) synonymous with DLNA compatible?

--- End quote ---
UPnP is good enough for MC to control completely.
The DLNA specs basically sit of top of the UPnP transport and allow the controller to send more information to the renderer (like details of the track format) that would have to be parsed from the file by the renderer otherwise.

There isn't enough information on their site to indicate whether or not it will work gaplessly.
The old Cambridge audio device we had did (and supported the protocol quite well) but that's no guarantee that this one will.


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