I'm guessing it is one of my plugins you are trying to modify and I think the problem may well be that you have the span inside the div and not the div inside the span, which is how I do it in my plugins.
Try This:-
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))"> <p>Composer Bio: TrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))</span></div>
<span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))"> <div class="aartist">Composer Bio: TrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))</div>
I can't seem to get it to work either of the ways that Matt or EnglistTiger recommened.
I still get the following display (see attached)
Here is some of the actual code that I'm using. Also Album Date Recorded which uses the field Date (released) should not display but it does. Something weird with (XXX)
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(AMG Artist Members)">
Artist Members: TrackInfo_Insert(AMG Artist Members)</span></div>
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(Composer1)"> <p>
Composer(s): TrackInfo_Insert(Composer1) </span></div>
<span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))"> <div class="aartist">Composer Bio: TrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))</div>
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))"> <p>
Org Composer Bio: TrackInfo_Insert(AMG Composer Biography (short))</span></div>
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(Mastering)">
Album Mastering: TrackInfo_Insert(Mastering)</span></div>
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(Date (recorded))">
Album Date Recorded: TrackInfo_Insert(Date recorded)</span></div>
<div class="aartist"><span class="TRUETrackInfo_Insert(Rec locations)">
Recording Locations: TrackInfo_Insert(Rec locations)</span></div>
Thanks in advance for helping a not very strong programmer