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Author Topic: Sidecar files for Movies  (Read 4501 times)


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Sidecar files for Movies
« on: September 21, 2021, 09:57:02 pm »

Thanks to all for their help so far as I try to recover from copying my media files from external USB drives to a NAS and changing from MC for Mac to MC for Windows.

Apparently the copy process for my Movies folder failed miserably.  Many files are missing or corrupted.  I am rebuilding that part of my media file library (not my MC Library) manually.

My question is about sidecar files.  I have found several movies which display cover art properly and play properly, but when I look in the folder using Windows Explorer do not have a sidecar (.xml) file associated with the video file.  Will MC create a sidecar file at some point automatically?  Do I have to tell MC to create one?  How?

If I <Copy> a sidecar file from my USB drive to my NAS, doe MC update whatever data are in the sidecar to represent the new file locations, etc.?

One more question, even though the movies I have "worked on" display cover art properly, the .jpg files are not in the folder with the video file like they used to be.  Where could they be?  My music cover art is supposed to be saved both in the tags and the album folder (I think that's working properly), my TV Series cover art is supposed to be saved in a folder (that is not working properly).


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2021, 12:26:32 am »

I swear I'm not stalking you, lol.

My question is about sidecar files.  I have found several movies which display cover art properly and play properly, but when I look in the folder using Windows Explorer do not have a sidecar (.xml) file associated with the video file.  Will MC create a sidecar file at some point automatically?  Do I have to tell MC to create one?  How?

Tools -> Options -> General -> Importing & Tagging
Set sidecar options how you like. Since you're using .wav you might also want to enable it for Audio as well under the "Write to external sidecar files for media types:" option, since wav doesn't support tagging.

If I <Copy> a sidecar file from my USB drive to my NAS, doe MC update whatever data are in the sidecar to represent the new file locations, etc.?

I recently moved all of my movies from a \\MEDIA location to a \\NAS location as well. Everything's been reimported under the new location. I just checked one of the sidecar files and the Filename field still shows the old location. If I right-click and choose Library Tools -> Update Tags (from library) and check the sidecar again, the Filename field has been updated. If I change other values on the file it updates those fields in the sidecar but the Filename field stays with the old location unless I do the Update Tags thing. Seems like a bug.

One more question, even though the movies I have "worked on" display cover art properly, the .jpg files are not in the folder with the video file like they used to be.  Where could they be?  My music cover art is supposed to be saved both in the tags and the album folder (I think that's working properly), my TV Series cover art is supposed to be saved in a folder (that is not working properly).

One thing I forgot to have you check before is the value of the Media Sub Type field. Make sure it's set to Movie or TV Show as appropriate, otherwise MC won't know how to treat the file. Assuming that is set correctly, running the Get Movie & TV Info tool on a file will store the artwork in a few different places:

For Movies, the poster art will be in the same folder as the movie file. You should end up with .jpg file of the same name as the movie file in the same folder as the movie itself.
For TV Shows, they are stored in "Series" and "Season" folders under the location you've specified in Tools -> Options -> File Location -> Cover Art.

So for TV Shows if you have File Location -> Cover Art set to \\NAS\Covers, then when MC will auto-create a few folders in there, one of which is Series, another is Season. So you will end up with \\NAS\Covers\Series and \\NAS\Covers\Season (and a few others that aren't relevant). Series art goes in Series, Season art into Season. If you want to manually assign series or season artwork, you need to put the files into the appropriate directory and name it correctly, otherwise MC won't use them.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2021, 12:46:28 am »

One more question... What file format are your movies in?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2021, 02:33:52 pm »

Doof, thank you for all your help.

I'll check out the options for tagging and sidecar files...  I may not update my tagging to include writing to an external file for audio.  The only time I care about tags for audio files is when I am using one of my DAPs for mobile audio.  I Convert Format to .flac when syncing a DAP or an SD card, so the tags come with the .flac files.

I will try Update Tags from Library for one movie and see if that works.  I tried a "mass update" by highlighting several dozen video files in the Video -> Files stock view and it didn't seem to work.

I'll have to double check my tags, but I think my movies (including those trailer files) are tagged Video -> Movie, and my TV shows are tagged Video -> TV Show.  They all used to be tagged that way.  My media files and Library were well organized not too long ago.  Sigh.

I use MakeMKV to rip DVDs, so nearly all (perhaps all) my video files are in .mkv format.  It hasn't been a problem, and my not be today.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2021, 05:38:27 pm »

I'll have to double check my tags, but I think my movies (including those trailer files) are tagged Video -> Movie, and my TV shows are tagged Video -> TV Show.  They all used to be tagged that way.  My media files and Library were well organized not too long ago.  Sigh.

That's sorta what I'm wondering. If somewhere along the way with the migration some of the subtype values were lost and now MC doesn't know how to properly treat the files. Sorta grasping at straws here, lol.

I use MakeMKV to rip DVDs, so nearly all (perhaps all) my video files are in .mkv format.  It hasn't been a problem, and my not be today.

Yeah, should be fine. I only asked because I was literally experiencing a cover art issue with a movie that was ripped as a full DVD backup, so it was actually a folder full of files. Wasn't sure if you were dealing with a similar setup.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2021, 03:18:26 pm »


My Import & Tagging options are "save in sidecar and internal tags (if supported)" and "Write to external sidecar files for media types: Video".

I checked a sample of my media files in my Movies\ folder.  All of those I checked are Video -> Movie.
I also checked a sample of my media files in my Shows\ folder.  All of those I checked are Video -> TV Show.

I tried Update Tags from Library for a single movie.  The result was three files checked, three errors.  No idea what the errors were, no log popped up.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2021, 03:27:22 pm »

Assuming that MC has read/write permissions to the folder, are the files marked Read Only in Explorer, if you right-click and choose Properties?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2021, 06:25:08 pm »

One file which doesn't appear in my Movie view (a "trailer" file), is shown as "Archive" in Windows Explorer.
The corresponding "movie" file, which does display correctly, also is shown as "Archive" in Windows Explorer.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2021, 11:28:27 am »

I did some looking in my file structure and I think every Movie folder I have has at least this:
Movie file, .mkv, xxGB file size
Art file, .jpg, xxkB or xxMB file size
Sidecar file, .xml, xxkB file size

I watched three movies in a row without a problem last night.  However, when I tried this morning I open the stock View: Video -> Movies and saw a whole screen-full of cover art (still some missing, so I haven't fixed that, either).  When I clicked on a particular Movie and then clicked <Play> I saw the Cover Art for 1 second, then MC28 scrolled through six or seven more Movie Cover Art pictures like a rapid slideshow and then started playing another Movie, starting at approximately 8:30 into the film.

That's when I started double checking my file structure as this is the behavior I witnessed when the [Movie] file was missing from a folder, or partially deleted (e.g. 100B file size instead of xGB file size).

I haven't yet checked to see if I get similar behavior from [Shows], but Audio seems to be behaving as expected.

Help appreciated.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2021, 12:38:57 pm »

I had a thought about this.  I don't know how MC knows which file to play based on clicking "play" from the Video -> Movies view, but what if the sidecar file is corrupted/ out of date?  When I made my initial mass migration from USB drives to NAS, I think I dragged-and-dropped my \Movies folder into NAS\Multimedia and let Windows start copying.  As we know, I have had troubles with bad video files ever since.

When ever I have subsequently copied a movie file from one of my USB drives to replace a "bad" file on my NAS, I've used the <Copy> and <Paste> method recommended by RoderickGI.  However, I have not copied the corresponding sidecar file in all cases.  Does that mean the video and sidecar files no longer match?  Will that cause problems? 

How do sidecar files get updated?  I'm pretty sure the Rename/Move/Copy utility updates sidecars.  What about Importing?  I have Auto Import configured to check \NAS\Multimedia\Movies (chosen by browsing and clicking on that folder rather than typing the path somewhere), and I also have Auto Import configured to run in the background when I log on.  I have not performed a manual import of any of the Movie folders I've recopied video files into. 

A related question: when do sidecar files get created?  On import?  If I deleted the existing sidecar file for a Movie I am having trouble with, and then manually imported that folder, would a new sidecar get created with the most recent tags?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2021, 06:43:45 pm »

You certainly seem to have got yourself into a real 'muck and fuddle' with your MC28 installation, but all is not lost!

I think is time you did some very basic 'sanity checks' on your video files and library.

1: create a new local library called something like 'Video test' and switch to it. Use the Library Manager for this task.
2: Choose some representative video folders and import them manually to your new test library. Tools>Import>Import a single folder

Browse through the imported files and check they look good (cover art, tag info) and then make sure they play normally.

Then switch back to your original Main library and see what the results are when you browse and play the same files, if you get 'weird' behavior then it is very probable you have a corrupted library.

As regards some of your questions:

Sidecar files are created when a file is imported, they can also be updated by using Tools>library tools>Update tags (from library), equally you can update the library from tags using Update library (from tags).

MC never 'forgets' a particular filename so re-importing files to a library can just perpetuate problems. If you want to re-import 'clean' to an existing library either rename the files or change the folder name so MC thinks it is dealing with a new file.

Sometimes things can get so confused following a situation like you have described in your posts that it is simply better to start from 'scratch' and build a complete new library using your existing media rather than try to resolve a lot of errors. It may seem to be a lot of work but at least you have a solid base to move forward from.

Don't forget you can always do small scale tests with a limited number of files using the 'test library' approach I have outlined above.

Good luck!

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2021, 03:08:11 pm »

Thank you, terrym@tassie.

For the record, this is Windows' fault, I had nothing to do with it.   ;D

I will try the small test you suggest.  I hadn't through of a small test, though the next thing I was going to try was creating a whole new library (Movies, TV Shows, Music, everything).  The small test first makes more sense.

I thought perhaps the Update tags (from Library) would update any sidecar files which existed.  Thank you for confirming that.

I had heard once, perhaps from RoderickGI or AwesomeDonkey, that re-importing files could mess things up. 

Results of the small test soon.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2021, 03:13:31 pm »

I had heard once, perhaps from RoderickGI or AwesomeDonkey, that re-importing files could mess things up. 
Not true.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2021, 06:08:00 pm »

JimH is absolutely correct, in 99.9% of cases, re-importing files causes no problems at all.

I should have qualified my statement with the caveat "so re-importing files to a library can very rarely just perpetuate problems". See this post for one of those rare exceptions:,126429.msg876197.html#msg876197

I wouldn't want to be guilty of spreading 'misinformation' on the forum  :o

The other thing I should have mentioned in my response was to make sure you always make a BACKUP before making drastic changes to your main library so you can easily 'rewind' if it doesn't work out.

Finally I find that if you have what appears to be a big confusing problem always try to break it down to smaller manageable issues that you can resolve more easily.
Using test libraries is also a good way of becoming fully 'au fait' with the many management tools available in MC without any risk to your main library. Sure you can always restore a backup if you mess up the main library but with a test library it is so easy just to delete the library and start again with a 'clean slate' each time.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2021, 04:24:40 pm »

The test experiment went fairly well.  I created Movie Test and manually imported three Movie folders to it from my NAS.
    1. A movie which plays properly and displays cover art properly
    2. A movie which didn't play properly, but displayed cover art properly
    3. A movie which didn't display cover art properly (I don't know if it played properly or not)

    1. Played properly.
    2. Played properly.
    3. Played properly, but cover art still doesn't display properly.  Understandable, there is no .jpg file in the Movie folder, but there should be.

The Movie Test Library is stored on the local media computer, not on my NAS.  I haven't found my Main Library yet (I know where the back-ups are on my local media PC).  Off to the Wiki to find out the default location for Libraries.

[edit] My main Library is stored in \Appdata\Roaming\J River\Media Center 28\Library, which I'm sure you already knew, but I had to look.

Interesting fact: Movie #3 does not have a sidecar file yet, even though it was manually imported to the Library Movie Test.  Does it take MC28 a while to create sidecar files?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2021, 04:35:47 pm »

Perhaps my Main Library is corrupted.  I think I need to at least go through my \Multimedia\Movies folder and clean out duplicate and unused files.  Those would mainly be duplicate .jpg files, but may also be some .mkv files as well.  Then perhaps I should make a new Library and make it my Main Library (to replace the Library I suspect is corrupted).

Is there any reason to delete sidecar files if I am going to create a new Library and make it my Main Library?  Or should MC28 "repair" existing sidecar files if needed and create sidecar files if any are missing for any Movies in my media files?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2021, 08:31:56 pm »

OK, you've been busy, let's see if I can answer some of the issues you are raising.

Good news regarding the file that wouldn't play in your MAIN library but does play normally in the TEST library, this indicates the media file itself is not corrupted.
Now go back to the MAIN library and remove that file from the library (the first delete option 'Remove from media library') and then re-import the file, does it now play normally? If it does then that it is a good indication that your MAIN library is recoverable.

So next steps:

IF the re-import experiment described above on the MAIN library is successful I would suggest getting very brave, take a BACKUP of the MAIN library and then REMOVE and RE-IMPORT all the video files you are having problems with. After the re-import check through and ensure that all files have sidecars and cover art, if they don't then run 'Get Movie & TV info' on those files. If a file has a sidecar and cover art jpg file but doesn't display the cover art then use the 'Tools>Cover Art>Quick Find in File' to re-associate the cover art.

IF the re-import experiment ISN'T successful then try changing the folder name that the files are stored in and then repeat the 'remove re-import', this will force a library refresh for those files using their sidecar information. Don't forget that all files that are stored in the folder you rename will need to be removed and re-imported. If that works then repeat that process for all the problem files.

If you are still having problems after that report back as there may be other things that can be done before the drastic step of completely re-creating the whole library.

A sidecar file is generally only created after you have done a 'Get Movie & TV info'. Sidecar files are just a subset of the TAGS stored in the library, here is the contents of a sidecar from my library following a 'Get Movie & TV info':

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<MPL Version="2.0" Title="JRSidecar" PathSeparator="\">
<Field Name="Filename">D:\mkv\Bunny and the Bull\Bunny and the Bull.mkv</Field>
<Field Name="Track Transition Duration">-1</Field>
<Field Name="Producer">Robin Gutch;Mark Herbert;Mary Burke</Field>
<Field Name="Date Tagged">1632962758</Field>
<Field Name="Compression">mkv video (video: mpeg2, audio: ac3)</Field>
<Field Name="Bitrate">4953</Field>
<Field Name="Bit Depth">32</Field>
<Field Name="Genre">Comedy;Romance</Field>
<Field Name="IMDb ID">tt1251725</Field>
<Field Name="Aspect Ratio">16:9</Field>
<Field Name="Actors">Edward Hogg;Simon Farnaby;Verónica Echegui;Julian Barratt;Noel Fielding;Richard Ayoade;Sylvia Syms;Rich Fulcher;Madeleine Worrall;James Fox;Gus Brown</Field>
<Field Name="FPS">25</Field>
<Field Name="Director">Paul King</Field>
<Field Name="Tool Name">Media Center</Field>
<Field Name="Stack Top">-1</Field>
<Field Name="Channels">6</Field>
<Field Name="Description">A young shut-in takes an imaginary road trip inside his apartment, based on mementos and memories of a European trek from years before.</Field>
<Field Name="Tool Version">28.0.53</Field>
<Field Name="Media Sub Type">Movie</Field>
<Field Name="Stack View">0</Field>
<Field Name="Playable">1</Field>
<Field Name="Date">40144</Field>
<Field Name="Name">Bunny and the Bull</Field>
<Field Name="Trailer">webmedia://YouTube/FbtB9uJYHIs</Field>
<Field Name="Sample Rate">48000</Field>
<Field Name="Critic Rating">TMDb 6.1 / 10</Field>
<Field Name="Duration">5827</Field>

You can see it is mostly media metadata, so this is the reason it would be a 'bad idea' to delete any existing sidecar files as you would need to run 'Get Movie & TV info' again if you want to import them into a new library. Sidecar files also store 'Audio analysis' data so if you use this feature on video files you would lose this as well.

That's why file #3 in your test library doesn't have a sidecar file. If you run 'Get Movie & TV info' on this file in the test library, you will see that a sidecar file and cover art jpg are generated.

If you want to look at the contents of sidecar files I recommend using NOTEPAD++, it's a great free (donation supported) editor.

Libraries should always be created on fast local storage for performance reasons, so you have done the right thing with your test library.

Hope the above helps,

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2021, 03:34:46 pm »

Thanks, Terry.  Off to work...


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2021, 09:03:54 am »

I am still having problems, and I don't understand what is happening.  What I tried:

Use Windows Explorer to <Copy> whatever files are missing from \NAS\Multimedia\Movies\[Movie sub-folder] (these could be .mkv  video files, .jpg cover art files, .xml sidecar files)

Use Windows Explorer to <Paste> the missing files into \NAS\Multimedia\Movies\[Movie sub-folder]

From the Menu Tree, use the Video -> Files view, then highlight the [Movie] and <Play>

The movie file then plays.  So far so good.  But, the Cover Art still does not display.  So, I go to File -> Library -> Import -> Import Single File and re-import \NAS\Multimedia\Movies\[Movie sub-folder].  When I return to the Video -> Files view I see two copies of the [Movie] file, and in the Video -> Movies view, Cover Art still does not display.

I then tried Tools -> Library Tools -> Cover Art -> Quick Find, but that does not make the Cover Art display properly.

I then tried Tools -> Library Tools -> Cover Art -> Add From File and chose the .jpg file in \NAS\Multimedia\Movies\[Movie sub-folder].  That caused the Cover Art to display properly, but it deleted the Movie .mkv file!  I had to recopy the .mkv file using <Copy> in Windows Explorer. 

What is going on?

My next step will be test this: <Save> a [Movie] into a new sub-folder with a different name, perhaps \NAS\Multimedia\Movies\[Movie sub-folder test].  I'll include the .mkv, .jpg and .xml files.  Then use File -> Library -> Import -> Import Single Folder to import the "new" movie and see if everything works properly.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2021, 09:21:47 am »

That didn't work.  The [Movie] played as it should, but Cover Art still does not display. 

Within Windows Explorer:
I created a new Folder: \NAS\Multimedia\Movies\[Movie sub-folder test]
I used <Copy> to make copies of the .mkv, .jpg and .xml files from the original [Movie sub-folder] to [Movie sub-folder test]
I used <Rename> to change the names of the .mkv, .jpg and .xml files to (except the .xml file which got <Rename> to Movie test_mkv_JRSidecar.xml).

Within MC28:
File -> Library -> Import -> Import Single Folder -> [Movie sub-folder test]

The "new" movie imported, but the Cover Art still didn't display properly.  Unexpectedly, the filenames in the [Movie sub-folder test] Library location did not have "test" in their names as displayed, only the original filenames.  Is that because I copied the original Sidecar file and did not use Tools -> Library Tools -> Update Tags from Library?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2021, 09:28:58 am »

A summary of where I am:

    1. (completed) I need to go through all of my movie sub-folders on my NAS and make sure the .mkv, .jpg and .xml files exist.
    2. Several [Movies] do not display Cover Art properly and nothing I've tried, and I believe I have now tried all the suggestions
        made so far in this thread, has fixed the problem.

So I am kind of stuck.  I am also concerned about the behavior of MC28 when I try using Cover Art -> Add From File, since it deletes my .mkv file.  OK, I've been sloppy in that description, it's even weirder: the .mkv file is not deleted, but almost all of the data in the file is deleted.  Rather than being a 3GB-6GB file, it gets turned into a 79B file.  79 bites.  I believe that's also happened a few times when I used Get TV and Movie Info as well: Cover Art is saved, video file is destroyed.

Cover Art is still also a problem with my TV shows.  None of the [Series] Cover Art displays (the .jpg files exist, they don't display) and none of the [Episode] Cover Art displays anymore, either.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2021, 06:25:23 pm »

I have never seen, or can recollect anyone reporting anything like you are seeing occurring with MC.

I can only suggest the following to try to get to some sort of 'solid ground':

Go back to your 'test library' and import some of the files that you are seeing this weird 'mkv truncation' problem with.

Does the problem still occur in the test library?

What happens if you run  'Get Movie & TV info' on the affected files in your Main library?

Check that your NAS is copying files correctly, I use a free (donation supported) utility called FastCopy to copy and verify data if I have any doubt about my storage integrity.

I can only re-iterate: what you are seeing is not 'normal' therefore it is very difficult to advise you.

I will give you one more tip that may help you with your Main Library.
It is possible to view and delete from the library removed files which will make MC 'forget' any information associated with the removed file.
First remove from the Main Library some of the affected video files and then follow the procedure below:

1 Create a new Smartlist (right click Smartlists in the tree and choose Add Smartlist)
2 Name the Smartlist 'Removed video files' and then click on the Import/Export button
3 In the 'Smartlist rules data' paste the following:
Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Video] ~d=r4 Click OK, then click OK in the next window.

You will then see a list of removed video files, find the removed files you are interested in and remove them using the delete option.

Then re-import the files to the library and see if they behave normally, use "Get Movie & TV info' if necessary.

Once more, good luck


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2021, 06:40:24 pm »

I forgot to mention in my previous reply, I am assuming you are just using normal Windows Defender anti-virus configured as per the recommendations in the sticky thread. If you are NOT then please make sure you sort this before proceeding with any of the other recommendations.
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« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2021, 07:26:21 pm »

Terry, thank you for checking back.  I realize what is going on is not normal, which is why I keep posting here.  Nothing like this ever happened with my Mac license.  (I had other, user-caused, problems there, but they got sorted out).

I spent several hours this afternoon copying video files in small batches, so I haven't done either of your experiments.  While I still have my Movies Test Library, I was going to try your other suggestion first: find a single movie which isn't behaving properly and Get TV and Movie Info to see what happens.  I am fearful it will destroy the .mkv file again and I'll have to <Copy> it again.  Sigh.

My current problem is I don't understand why the Cover Art isn't displaying.  The .jpg files are in the [Movie] sub-folder along with the video file and the sidecar.  Seems like MC28 should find them instantly.  It does for 3/4 of my movies, but refuses to cooperate with the other 1/4.

I have Norton on my PC, and the stock anti-virus/ malware software on my NAS.  QNAP only supports McAfee, so I haven't upgraded the anti-virus package on my NAS (I don't want to pay for another license if I don't have to).


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2021, 07:29:38 pm »

Oh, I should also mention, I think I have MC28 configured to allow reimporting of files previously removed from the library.  Since I've been doing so much deleting, removing, copying, and importing, I didn't want to have that setting such that MC28 wouldn't import a file I just copied because it was just removed.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2021, 11:48:27 pm »

The mention of Norton and McAfee sends shivers down my spine but that's just my personal opinion. I'd be a lot happier if you had just stock Windows Defender 'tamed' as per the sticky thread. Anti-virus CAN do weird things sometimes.

Are any of these affected mkv files small enough to be put up on a media share somewhere?

I'd happily look at the mkv, sidecar and jpg files and see what results I get on one of my systems with MC28. You can send me a personal message on the forum rather than share a public link.

Just to be clear: the setting for 'allowing re-import of removed files' is not the same as what I was proposing in my previous post regarding completely removing a file from the library using a SmartList.

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2021, 04:49:00 am »

If the NAS is only accessing the internet via a computer that has it's own Anti-Virus Software then you can safely disable, or remove, the McAfee software from the NAS.
Hopefully that will eliminate any problems that may be being caused by Norton and McAfee trying to do different things with the files.
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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2021, 11:00:22 am »

If the NAS is only accessing the internet via a computer that has it's own Anti-Virus Software then you can safely disable, or remove, the McAfee software from the NAS.
Hopefully that will eliminate any problems that may be being caused by Norton and McAfee trying to do different things with the files.

Thank you for that information.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2021, 11:05:16 am »

The mention of Norton and McAfee sends shivers down my spine but that's just my personal opinion. I'd be a lot happier if you had just stock Windows Defender 'tamed' as per the sticky thread. Anti-virus CAN do weird things sometimes.

Are any of these affected mkv files small enough to be put up on a media share somewhere?

I'd happily look at the mkv, sidecar and jpg files and see what results I get on one of my systems with MC28. You can send me a personal message on the forum rather than share a public link.

Just to be clear: the setting for 'allowing re-import of removed files' is not the same as what I was proposing in my previous post regarding completely removing a file from the library using a SmartList.


Terry, let me rerun a couple of the experiments you've suggested with my much smaller test library and see what happens.  I have cartoon shorts which are "only" a couple hundred MB rather than a few GB, so perhaps they are candidates for what you're asking.  I don't have access to any .ftp type sites, though.



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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2021, 11:08:16 am »

I have never seen, or can recollect anyone reporting anything like you are seeing occurring with MC.

I can only suggest the following to try to get to some sort of 'solid ground':

Go back to your 'test library' and import some of the files that you are seeing this weird 'mkv truncation' problem with.

Does the problem still occur in the test library?

What happens if you run  'Get Movie & TV info' on the affected files in your Main library?

Check that your NAS is copying files correctly, I use a free (donation supported) utility called FastCopy to copy and verify data if I have any doubt about my storage integrity.

I can only re-iterate: what you are seeing is not 'normal' therefore it is very difficult to advise you.

I will give you one more tip that may help you with your Main Library.
It is possible to view and delete from the library removed files which will make MC 'forget' any information associated with the removed file.
First remove from the Main Library some of the affected video files and then follow the procedure below:

1 Create a new Smartlist (right click Smartlists in the tree and choose Add Smartlist)
2 Name the Smartlist 'Removed video files' and then click on the Import/Export button
3 In the 'Smartlist rules data' paste the following:
Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Video] ~d=r4 Click OK, then click OK in the next window.

You will then see a list of removed video files, find the removed files you are interested in and remove them using the delete option.

Then re-import the files to the library and see if they behave normally, use "Get Movie & TV info' if necessary.

Once more, good luck


I haven't tried this yet, but how is it different from simply <right click> -> Delete -> Remove from Library?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2021, 04:35:42 pm »

I haven't tried this yet, but how is it different from simply <right click> -> Delete -> Remove from Library?

It removes ALL the information MC has stored in the Library concerning the file so on re-import it will be treated as a completely NEW file. Just removing a file with Delete will retain a lot of tag information that is re-used if the file is re-imported. It is similar to renaming a file before re-importing.

I don't have access to any .ftp type sites, though.
Why don't you just use Onedrive on Windows, it gives you 5Gb of cloud storage for free and can be used to share files.

I don't like to criticize but you do seem to be doing an awful lot messing about with your library (looking at your other threads on the forum) it would be good to take a very disciplined approach and try and fix ONE problem at a time. Copying files outside MC rather than using the Rename/Copy Library tool is the road to ruin IMHO.
As I have said before you need to get to some sort of 'solid ground' with your issues:
Is it the Main Library? Is it the media files? Is it anti-virus affecting the process? Is it the sidecar files?

Using a test library will help identify issues with the Main Library; Using a Windows copy utility with verify will help check the integrity of files that are being copied; Removing (completely) third-party virus packages like Norton will eliminate anti-virus issues; Importing files 'clean' into the test library with and without sidecar files will check the sidecar and media files and also the 'Get Movie and TV info' process.

Use a small number of files, be methodical and disciplined in your approach, take notes.
Use one thread on the forum instead of posting multiple issues at once.

I'm giving you small focused tests to do but I'm not getting any clear answers back.
I appreciate you are on steep learning curve with Windows and some aspects of MC28.
Let's try and keep it simple and take the time resolve the issues completely.

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2021, 10:00:03 pm »

The single problem I've been working on is "repairing" my media files.  They have been completely screwed up.  I think the problem started a long time ago with OSX, was made worse when I copied my media files to my NAS, and has been really confusing with the weird things I think MC has been doing.

I like RM&C, but since files are being randomly destroyed for reasons I haven't figured out yet, I am trying to keep my USB drives as separate from my NAS as I can.  Therefore, I don't have a MC Library "pointing" to my USB drives and I can't use RM&C to copy files from my USB drives to my NAS to then be imported to the Library "pointing" to my NAS.

Now that my video media files are almost all recovered (I've lost two movies), I can start doing what you've suggested.  I'll take a half dozen movies, copy them to my local media computer, create a Library and see how those movies behave.  If the Cover Art doesn't display properly, I'll try Get TV and Movie Info and report back.

I do appreciate you help.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2021, 05:31:35 am »

Discipline approach, Day 1:  :)

At the suggestion of another Interact forum member, I ran a virus scan on my server computer (not my NAS), no malware detected.

I also ran the latest Update, MC28.0.66.

Now that I've "repaired" my media files, I believe all my Movies play properly through MC28.  However, there are a few isolated cases where video files do not appear in the Video -> Movies view (stock, unmodified View), for example, the trailer for Dumbo, as described below.

The Movies listed below were Imported to Movie Test using Import Single Folder.

I returned to my Movies Test Library.  I now have five Movies included:
300 (existing):
   media files include .mkv for feature, .jpg, .xml
   the Cover Art displays properly in Main and Movie Test Libraries
   Movie plays in MC28
Casablanca (added today):
   media files include .mkv for feature and trailer, .jpg for feature and trailer, .xml for feature and trailer
   Cover Art does not display properly in Main Library (trailer displays, feature does not), but does display properly in Movie Test
   trailer and feature both play properly in MC28
Christmas Vacation (existing):
   media files include .mkv for feature, .jpg for feature, .xml for feature
   Cover Art displays properly in Main Library and Movie Test Library
   plays properly in MC28
Dumbo (added today):
   media files include .mkv for feature and trailer, .jpg for feature and trailer, .xml for feature and trailer
   trailer is not available to display or play in Main Library Video -> Movies View, but is available in Video -> Files View
   both trailer and feature appear in Movie Test Library
   Cover Art does not display properly in Main Library or Movie Test Library
   trailer and feature both play properly in MC28 (in Movie Test Library)
Kiki's Delivery Service (existing):
   media files include .mkv for feature
   Cover Art does not display (of course)
   plays properly in MC28

These Movies provide a good representation of the weird things going on. 

By adding a couple of Movies to my Movie Test Library, using Import Single Folder, I believe I've sort of followed the suggestion made in Post #16 (Sept. 29) to reimport Movies to a Library.  Note it worked for Casablanca, but not entirely for Dumbo


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2021, 05:18:47 pm »

It would appear that the root cause of your problem is that 'Get Movie and TV info' is not working on your installation.
For example if I look up 'Kiki's Delivery Service' I get the cover art, sidecar file and all the tag info written correctly on any of my systems.

If this is not happening for you then this a key problem you must resolve.

From reading your other thread regarding 'Auto import' I see you have reported issues and have been assured by multiple members of the forum that they are not 'bugs' in MC28 but specific to YOUR installation.
I see they have also echoed my concern that anti-virus may be the culprit.

One more piece of info for you, if cover art is not displaying check that the appropriate jpg file is showing in the 'Image file' tag. To check this open the tag window and select 'Display all tags' from the top left menu.

It would be instructive to compare the tags from your Main Library and Test Library for  'Casablanca' as the test library displays cover art correctly while the main library does not.

But I re-iterate, if a fundamental library tool like 'Get Movie and TV info' is not working correctly you will NEVER resolve your library problems, they are just symptoms of something that is not correct in your installation.

I feel I have given you as much assistance and information as I can on this issue, so I wish you the best of luck and hope you find a resolution soon.

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2021, 05:42:00 pm »

Thanks, again, Terry.  I think your last post is where I thought I would end up: I have a defective/ corrupted installation of MC.  For closure sake, I will try a couple of the other tests you and others have suggested on my Movie Test Library: Update Tags From Library, reimporting a single folder, Get TV and Movie Info.

If none of those work, I'll work through the recommendations in the Taming Windows Defender thread and try them again.

If, after all that, I still get these types of errors, I'll uninstall MC, then reinstall and reactivate  my license.  Hopefully the reinstallation (with Windows Defender previously "tamed") will work properly.

As you said, one step at a time.

I never intended to give the impression I thought these problems were bugs.  If my wording or tone gave that impression, I apologize.  I actually believe a faulty installation first, user error second, bug a distant third. 



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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2021, 06:21:43 pm »

I compared a few Tags for Casablanca in both my NAS Library and Movies Test Library:

NAS Library:
filename: NAS/Multimedia/Movies/Casablanca/Casablanca 2 feature.mkv
Media Type: Video
Media Sub-type: Movie
Image: NAS/Multimedia/Movies/Casablanca/Casablanca 2 feature.mkv

Movies Test Library:
filename: NAS/Multimedia/Movies/Casablanca/Casablanca 2 feature.mkv
Media Type: Video
Media Sub-type: Movie
Image: NAS/Multimedia/Movies/Casablanca/Casablanca 2 feature.jpg

It's weird the Image in my NAS Library is pointing to the video file.  I tried <right click> -> Library Tools -> Update Tags from Library and got a "failed" message.  Sure enough, the Image is still pointing to the video file.

I switched to Movies Test Library and selected Dumbo (both the trailer and feature).  I checked, and the Image Tags both point to the .mkv video file.  I tried Update Tags from Library, didn't get the "failed" message, but Cover Art still doesn't display (Image points to the .mkv file still).

I double checked my Cover Art settings in File Location: the box for Also Store Image in the File's Tag is checked>

I next tried re-importing the NAS/Multimedia/Movies/Dumbo folder.  The Details pop-up said no errors, no new files.  When I checked the Tree -> Video -> Files View, only Dumbo 1 trailer and Dumbo 2 feature appeared, which is what I expected.  Image still points to the .mkv video file.

Finally, I tried Get TV and Movie Info.  I did it in stages.  I got the Image first, left the Use This Data box unchecked, but checked the Overwrite box.  I now have Cover Art, and the Image tag points to a .jpg file.  Then I used Get TV and Movie Info again, leaving the Use This Image box unchecked and checking the Use This Data box.  Both the trailer and feature still play normally.

Oddly, I now have two .xml files each for the trailer and feature.  I wonder which are "active"?

So then I used Get TV and Movie Info for Casablanca in my NAS Library.  I now have Cover Art, but the video file is destroyed (155 KB). 


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2021, 06:27:59 pm »

I have verified both NAS Library and Movies Test Library are on my local server computer hard drive.

NAS Library: C:\Users\macdo\AppData\Roaming\J River Media Center 28\Library\
Movie Test Library: C:\Users\macdon\Documents\JRiver\Test Library\

Note that NAS Library is the Main Library created when MC is installed.

So maybe just my NAS Library is corrupted somehow?  My next step is to create a new Library and start Importing stuff?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2021, 10:03:00 pm »

I vowed before that was my last post on this subject..but as Al Pacino says in The Godfather III ' Just as I thought I was out, they drag me back in!'

I really think you need to get your NAS out of this equation, you commenced this whole saga by saying that Windows had corrupted your file transfer from your USB disc to the NAS. Now Windows has a few issues but I can assure you that corrupting data during copying ain't one of 'em.

Simple test:

Copy a media file (just the MKV not the associated xml or jpg) from your USB disc to the local Windows system disc, somewhere like 'This PC \Videos\movie_test'
Use your MC28 Main Library and import the file you just copied.
Run 'Get Movie and TV info' on this file.

Does it work? Is the cover art correct? Does it play?

If yes, then copy, import and 'Get Movie' a few more mkv  files from the USB disc to your local disc to check it wasn't a fluke.

If this works then you really need to get your NAS checked out, if you get the same weird results you are seeing with the NAS then you possibly have a corrupted Main Library so to prove this:

Copy the same files from the USB disc to a different folder on the local disc (eg This PC Videos\move_test_2)
Then switch to your test library in MC28 and repeat the above import and 'Get Movie' tests.

If the test library works with no issues then you should certainly consider creating a new Main Library.

Please do this EXACTLY as I have described above.

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #38 on: October 06, 2021, 07:33:51 am »

Terry, I am not trying to drag you back in (glad you're back, though :) ).  However, now that I at least my files back in a sort of safe condition, I can start working through the suggestions you've made.  I will try your test when I get home from work today.

I haven't done the first part of your experiment, but I did think about exactly that: copy three or four video files to C:\ and then create another test library pointing to that folder and do my old workflow from there:
  • Put file(s) in my media folder
    Allow MC to import them
    Do a preliminary Tag update (double check video files are tagged video, etc.)
    Get Info, get Cover Art
    Double check Tags
    Finally, RM&C to get all the files named and saved according to my convention

What's strange is I've sort of already skipped ahead and done something similar to your second recommendation.  Even though I used files located on my NAS, when I used my first test library, which is not located in the default folder MC creates, every MC function I tested worked as I'm used to it working.  I haven't tested Auto Import yet, but I will.  The test you described would make that easy since I'd only copy a few video files to the new, local folder. 

If Auto Import works with that 2nd test Library, then I can go back and run the same tests using my Movie Test Library (which points to files on my NAS).  If that works, then I think my problems will be narrowed down to either my Main Library, the folder it's stored in, or both.  If that's the case, I wonder if anti-virus software is interfering; maybe because the folder was created by a non-Windows/ Microsoft program rather than a user?

In the mean time, off to read the Taming Windows Defender thread...


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2021, 05:30:35 pm »

More successful tests.  These are testing various versions of the first tests suggested in Terry's post #37 above.

Media files copied to: C:\Users\Macdo\Videos\Movies & TV\[Name] from my NAS.

New Library: \Users\Macdo\Appdata\Roaming\J River\Media Center 28\Library Test 2
New Library: \Users\Macdo\Documents\J River\Test Library 3

Exorcist into Library 2:
Using Windows Explorer, <Copy> and then <Paste>
Used Import Single Folder: .mkv and .jpg files for both trailer and feature imported.  Both video files played.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, both video files still play.
Successful test.

Exorcist into Library 3:
Using Windows Explorer, <Copy> and then <Paste>
Used Import Single Folder: .mkv and .jpg files for both trailer and feature imported.  Trailer played.  Feature shut MC28 down, but played properly after restarting MC28.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, both video files still play.
Successful test.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off into Library 2:
Using Windows Explorer, <Copy> and then <Paste>
Used Import Single Folder: .mkv file for feature imported.  Feature played properly.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, video file still plays.
Successful test.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off into Library 3:
Using Windows Explorer, <Copy> and then <Paste>
Used Import Single Folder: .mkv file for feature imported.  Feature played properly.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, video file still plays.
Successful test.

Ghostbusters into Library 2:
Using Rename, Move & Copy (without library update), made a copy from NAS to C:\
Used Import Single Folder: .mkv file for feature imported.  Feature played properly.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, video file still plays.
Successful test.

Ghostbusters into Library 3:
Using Rename, Move & Copy (without library update), made a copy from NAS to C:\
Used Import Single Folder: .mkv file for feature imported.  Feature played properly.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, video file still plays.
Successful test.

Horton Hears a Who into Library 2:
Using Rename, Move & Copy (without library update), made a copy from NAS to C:\
Used Auto Import (configured to import just Movies & TV): .mkv file for feature imported.  Only this movie was imported, no duplicate imports.  Feature played properly.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, video file still plays.
Successful test.

Inception into Library 3:
Using Rename, Move & Copy (without library update), made a copy from NAS to C:\
Used Auto Import (configured to import just Movies & TV): .mkv file for feature imported.  Only this movie was imported, no duplicate imports.  Feature played properly.
Used Get TV & Movie Info: got both image and data with the overwrite box checked.  Cover Art and data added, video file still plays.
Successful test.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2021, 05:36:54 pm »

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that it was you dragging me back in, the 'they' in this case is not you (or the mafia!) but my own OCD like obsession with finding solutions to problems or puzzles.

I would be be really cautious about running auto-import automatically while you are trying to resolve issues relating to the library.
I'm not saying don't use auto-import at all but make sure YOU trigger it, that way you can closely monitor what is happening.
Once you are happy everything is working correctly then you can allow it to run automatically again.
So untick 'Tools>Options>Library & Folders>Run auto-import in background' and then use 'Tools>Import>Run auto-import now' when you want auto-import to run.

If you are removing Norton make sure you use the 'full removal' tool, just uninstalling isn't enough, see here for the official removal tool

BTW it is also better to use different folder locations for media files you are importing into the test library, if you use the the same folder as the main library you may see strange effects such as two sidecar files. You don't want to make the situation worse with your testing!
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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2021, 05:55:48 pm »

Well I'm pleased that you are getting some success with your own tests but in my post I implored you to do EXACTLY as I described.

Where's the main library results?
I guess I''l overlook the fact you are still using the NAS files as at least the media files appear good from your results so far.

What is the rationale about using multiple test libraries?

I think I'm going to overcome my OCD obsession and leave you to it, I'm sure you'll get there in the end.

Best wishes and good luck.
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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2021, 05:58:49 pm »

Simple test:

Copy a media file (just the MKV not the associated xml or jpg) from your USB disc to the local Windows system disc, somewhere like 'This PC \Videos\movie_test'
Use your MC28 Main Library and import the file you just copied.
Used Import Single File to import C:\Users\Macdo\Videos\Movies & TV\Ghostbusters    the video file played
I then <Copy> LA Story from a USB drive to C:\Users\Macdo\Videos\Movies & TV\LA Story     The video file played

Run 'Get Movie and TV info' on this file.

Does it work? Is the cover art correct? Does it play?
After Get TV & Movie Info, the video file still plays, but Cover Art does not display.  Image Tag points to the .mkv file.
After Get TV & Movie Info, the video still plays, but Cover Art does not display.  Image Tag points to the .mkv file even though a .jpg file exists in the folder.  Note, the .mkv file was not destroyed as they were when using Get TV & Movie Info for files stored on my NAS



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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2021, 06:06:18 pm »

Well I'm pleased that you are getting some success with your own tests but in my post I implored you to do EXACTLY as I described.

Where's the main library results?
I guess I''l overlook the fact you are still using the NAS files as at least the media files appear good from your results so far.

What is the rationale about using multiple test libraries?

I think I'm going to overcome my OCD obsession and leave you to it, I'm sure you'll get there in the end.

Best wishes and good luck.

Terry, see post above, I followed your suggestion.  I think the concern you expressed has been confirmed, my Main Library (renamed NAS Library) does not function properly.

I initially continued to use files from my NAS as a means to test whether or not I have a problem with my NAS.  I don't think I do.

I created multiple test Libraries to test a theory I had, and expressed, that something (anti-virus software?) was interfering with Library functions in Library files located in \Appdata\Roaming\J River\Media Center 28\[Library Name].  I don't think that's the case because all of today's tests were successful.

I created another test library in \Documents\J River\[Library Name] so I had a fresh library in a user-created folder for today's tests.



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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2021, 06:28:06 pm »

OK, good news, I think you are beginning to get to the bottom of the issue.

Over to you to do the 'hard yakka' of rebuilding your main library. ;D

I'll watch with interest.

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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2021, 09:53:44 pm »

OK, good news, I think you are beginning to get to the bottom of the issue.

Over to you to do the 'hard yakka' of rebuilding your main library. ;D

I'll watch with interest.


After reading through several threads about Windows Defender and other anti-virus/ firewall programs I wonder if the most sure-fire thing to do is uninstall and reinstall MC28.  Not that it has anything to do with anti-virus software, but "clean installations" was a side topic of discussion a few times.

Before I do any of that, I need to continue the testing you've helped me with for some TV shows to see if a new Library also corrects my TV Cover Art as well.


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #46 on: October 06, 2021, 11:07:38 pm »

I think a clean install would be a good thing to do once you have your anti-virus sorted.
Don't forget to take backups of your various libraries first, I know your main library seems screwed but you may want to look at some tag information from it when you are rebuilding. You can always create a library called 'Old suspect library' or some such on the new clean install and restore your current main library backup to that.
My point is to make sure you can always backtrack if necessary.

BTW it is a long shot but it might be worth trying restoring one of your main library backups to a test library and see if you get the same problems, it will probably be the same but you never know, perhaps you might get a helpful weird thing happen.

It is a most unfortunate situation you find yourself in, I have personally never had to deal with a library that is throwing up such odd errors.
I am certain you will get it sorted out soon.
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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2021, 12:08:09 pm »

Sounds like you might be getting to a working solution so as a postmortem, out of curiosity, was the NAS Library (the one causing all the problems) originally created on the Mac?


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2021, 12:49:31 pm »

Sounds like you might be getting to a working solution so as a postmortem, out of curiosity, was the NAS Library (the one causing all the problems) originally created on the Mac?

That is an excellent question but I don't remember the answer.  I might have taken one of the automatically-generated back-ups off my Mac, copied it to my new PC and then Restored.  I remember asking a question if the Mac and Windows Library files were compatible in one of the threads I started.  I never did get an answer.

That may be support for doing a clean install of MC28: a fresh Main Library.  My Library isn't that sophisticated, I don't even have any custom Views.  The most tedious things would be reimporting and then recreating a half-dozen or so SmartLists.  But at least none of the gremlins I have now would be present (I hope).


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Re: Sidecar files for Movies
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2021, 12:52:55 pm »

I know your main library seems screwed but you may want to look at some tag information from it when you are rebuilding. You can always create a library called 'Old suspect library' or some such on the new clean install and restore your current main library backup to that.

I am torn between wanting to follow your advice, and destroying all evidence that Library ever existed. :)
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