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JRiver Problems


Why does JRiver keep messing with my installation of JRiver.

It now, cannot remember my library setting and has lost playlists and even deleted files.

It cannot recognize my media server, even though files are in the directories set  up as my music library it says they are moved etc.

This has been an ongoing problem and all I get from JRiver is that my license might need to be recovered.  I have done that already.

More details please.  It won't delete files unless you tell it to. etc.

Maybe a drive letter changed?

No, it deleted files and I didn't tell it too and the drive letter has never changed.  Nothing has changed except I had to re-install (again) JRiver.

It left the directories, but their are no files in the directories.

I was thinking that maybe it stripped the meta data and then moved the files for some reason? but I've been looking and can't find them.   Where would it put files that have no meta data?   I have a hard time believing it actually deleted them but they aren't there anymore so....   This is really strange.

Use Explorer to search for your files, but MC doesn't delete files unless you tell it to.

Thanks for your thoughts about deleting files.  I'm sure I'll find them somewhere.


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