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JRiver MC25 suddenly no sound


Randy Alexander:
Hi, I am a novice computer user but with my son in laws help we successfully installed MC25 and have loved it for the last 3 or 4 years. Suddenly today, no sound at all. I have tried restarting, my files are all there and I  can play on my laptop. My Cambridge Audio cd/phono work ok but not the streamer. I have reset same.
Has this ever happened with MC25 or am I  looking at a problem with my streamer? I truly hope I am doing something dumb. Would a delete and reinstall be worth it(I  have been getting kicked off a fair bit and when I restart I receive 5 msgs to backup, uninstall, reboot, reinstall and restore. Could that possibly cause my issue, if so I'll get help with that. If needed I would upgrade as I have come to rely on it, Thanks kindly for any assistance or suggestions.

Someone else just reported something similar.  Configure Windows Defender.

Randy Alexander:
Thank You Jim, We will certainly try that. I should have mentioned it's an HP laptop w/windows10.

Now if that were the case and it was something with Windows Defender, would I still be able to play and hear all my tunes using JRiver on my laptop?
I am thinking it may be an issue with my Cambridge Audio NP30 Streamer, I sure hope not. I will wait for my son in law who is more proficient to see if he can see what needs to be changed in Windows Defender. First I'll try a different input on the amp perhaps the cd which works now.
I sure hope you are right, If anyone reads this and can add to it or remembers a similar post please steer me towards it. Merry Christmas to all.


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